The Werewolf costumes

Why the f(_)CK are little kids and Twilight fans bitching and complaining "bout the costumes!

The costumes were FANASTIC,
they're "old school" regular costumes that wear designed by an artist.

a REAL artist that "went to town" with fur, wax, corn syrup, and imagination and creativity.
an artist that showed us the true meaning of Horror makeup.

NOT some fat stupid lame computer geek that sat down and designed a Van Helsing type monster drinking Jamba Juice and taking periodic breaks to play Warcraft.

I hate CGI and i hate "lames" that support it.

CGI destroyed HORROR movies.

that was good horrific use of CGI.


i thought so too, for a lower budget movie, they had excellent special effects and the costumes were brilliant. Young kids don't understand s***.

"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"


The foundation for any HORROR movie is "gore"

NOT suspense
NOT action
NOT elaborate deaths
NOT dialogue
NOT mainstream "tennie bopper" actors

and not any of the stuff that the "kids" look for in HORROR movie.

Sure, all those things i mentioned helps the movie, but it's suppose to start with a MAKE UP artist, tons of cornsyrup, and a lot of red dye.

I am from the "corn syrup" era.

Something is very very very wrong with today's HORROR film makers AND HORROR MOVIE WATCHERS for that matter.

There was a time when HORROR moivies were scary because ARTISTS showed us their personal nightmares. Most of the scariest movies ever made are from the "corn syrup" era. JOHN CARPENTER was a genius.

we have lost so much now.

Now a days, it's all 'bout making a scary video game come to life.

sad, very very sad how people just eat up that garbage.

I hate CGI. I hate it sooooo much.

I must say, that was a cool CGI Horror movie.


"Now a days, it's all 'bout making a scary video game come to life."

Resident Evil?


"The foundation for any HORROR movie is "gore""

umm no it's NOT. True horror is supposed to be shocking. Whether that means it's scary or over the top disgusting is irrelevant.

Horror by definition is something that is out of your comfort zone.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


But what happens when films have upped their shock-factor to the point of bordering snuff, or people are so used to it they just aren't shocking any more? Would horror films cease?

The Spacehunter Forum:


I guess the you have to define horror by what a normal person would find shocking/uncomfortable.

You're right that many horror fans would have a higher tolerance though than let's say the average housewife or something :)

Given that horror has a rather specific audience I don't think horror films would ever cease.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


But how do you shock someone who is already used to the shocks?
case in point - Marylin Manson. When he or she first came out, everyone was really shocked by his or her image... Now he or she does something and everyone just yawns.

I always thought of horror films as more cheesy schlocky type things, gore optional but usually included, but rarely with any actual horror or suspense. Sure, there are minor discomforts - I don't like the idea of giant killer spiders or a seemingly unkillable murderer staking me in my dreams... But most of the 'horror' is either just laughable, and/or simply waiting for the one moment when something makes you jump. However you'd classify it, that's not horror or suspense, to me... but I'd certainly put Dog Soldiers (which I love, by the way) squarely in with this type of film.

Most films of horror genre that do actually have suspense, where I'm genuinely on the edge of my seat, I would consider perhaps more suspense/thriller films. Interestingly, these films don't have that much gore.

I should perhaps also add that I'm not an especial fan of horror films anyway, be it the Freddy/Jason/Michael side, the classic Hammer/The Thing range or even teh low-budget gore-fests (apologies, Rob Zombie).

But with all that in mind, *is* there a point where horror and thriller cross over, do you think?

The Spacehunter Forum:


When they don't shock anymore, one is used to it.
Manson is still shock rock even though he doesn't really a shock a lot of people anymore. Except maybe the previously mentioned housewife.

Horror to me is a very broad genre and it's been mixed with various other genres along the way (like comedy or thriller). It's not always scary (They don't shock or scare me much anymore given the amount of movies I watch) but it's always something out of the ordinary. Something that's not quite 'right'.
As for suspense I would lump it in with horror as a sub-genre since most of the time there's a supernatural element to those.

As for horror thriller crossovers. I think for instance Silence of the Lambs could fall into that category.
It's based in reality but there's a number of rather gruesome/horrific things going on in that movie. Which are specifically used to shock the audience even.
Also the original Halloween has elements of both genres.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


As for horror thriller crossovers

I love this subgenre. One of my favorites next to SciFi-Horror (The Thing, Alien, The Blob 1988....) & Road-Horrors (The Hitcher, Death Proof, Joyride...).
First Off, I know plenty of people disagree with My Statement of GORE being the major element in creating a HORROR. I got one thing to say about that. READ the definition of HORROR in Websters,, Wiki, Merriam, whatever floats your boat. Ask Oprah what HORROR is for pete's sake.

Your always gonna come up with the word "shocking" and/or "unsettling". If that's NOT an flat out invitation to GORE, i don't know what is.

In the beginning FRANKENSTIEN, WOLFMAN, and ZOMBIE movies were NOT gory, but very scary across the board. Parents kept the kids (teens included) from movies like this due to its unsettling content. PSYCHO was one of the first "GORY" pictures even though it was Black and White. Very unsettling and very very shocking.

The moment Vampires became "Cool kids in school" and "wolfmen" became Micheal J Fox, that was the beginning of the End for Monsters, So "The Slasher" became the modern Monster.

NOW, everyone wants a piece of the Pie. The Comedy writers, The Love Story writers, The Fantasy Writers, The Effing Action Production Companies, and the sad sad sad PG-13 supporters.

Enough of my resentment. Now a moment of Peace.
MY favorite Vampire flick is NEAR DARK
MY favorite RE-ANIMATION flick is BODY PARTS
MY favorite SLASHER is MY BOODY VALENTINE 80's (Xtra Cheese but a great classic)
favorite "comedy-Horror" is VERY BAD THINGS.

All these movies have the amount of blood I look for in HORRORs.


You really CAN'T include supernatural beasts in this. It loses the THRILLER aspect. The best ones are the COP ones with a human killer. They are hard to come by but will be around for a long time.

SEVEN (augh man, I can watch this everyday)
COPYCAT (you have to see this one, this is a Homage to Realistic Killers)
KALIFORNIA (a Road-Horror)
THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE (yeah, this is actually a HORROR in my Book, the green house scene is a classic HORROR scene)

Many Thrillers do too much, so they always end up in my Horror Section.

Once they use Creatures and Ghosts, they automatically end up in my Monster Section.
THE SIXTH SENSE (NOT gory at all, but you don't need it in Ghost Stories)

just a few of my favorites, I'm NOT all about Gore, I just think PG-13 kills a lot of the "shock" value due to the rules. THE SIXTH SENSE is one of the very few PG-13 movies that actually creeped me out. So did MAMMA, not bad. Like I said, you don't Need Blood in Ghost Stories to creep people out.


The foundation for any horror movie is NOT gore.

The foundation for any horror film is atmosphere and suspense. Then comes the gore. In fact, you don't even need to use gore to make a good horror film. Sure alot of horrors obviously do use it, but but to say it is the foundation for horror films is just crazy.

Also, personally I think Neil Marshall would of used CGI, but because of the budget of the film they had to stick with practical effects, which is just aswell really because the Werewolf suits were very effective in this.


I agree with the OP, old films with real monsters were so much better than CGi, the film Aliens and Dog Soldiers etc, are all much better without CGI monsters.


They looked pretty realistic for me =D
Most of those little kids are too mopped up with movies from Hollywood or some other big fancy movie business that only care about the profit they make.

CGI didn't necessarily kill horror movies but more like made them less and less scary and made it a shadow of what it was supposed be.

The again, some costumes made by other low-budget movie directors are also very awful and not worth the time watching.

Anyways, I have to agree the costumes in the movie were made by a total genius. First time I watched it, I thought it was actually in CGI XD


Yes! boys, Yes!

When you see these kids say the costumes sucked, for pete's sake, Hit them.

when extreme prejudice.

Make them GET IT! and understand that they're wrong.


I actually prefer CGI in movies but I thought the werewolf costumes in Dog Soldiers were pretty kickass.

"This class. . . I've died and gone to hell haven't I?"


I agree. Sometimes CGI looks good but usually you can tell it's CGI, espicially in SyFy movie of the week films. An actor in a costume is much more effective IMO providing you can't tell it's just an actor in a costume.


It all depends on the special effects. When you have a Tom Savini, a Rick Baker, or the late Stan Winston doing your effects, a costumed monster will look as impressive or more impressive than a cgi monster. But, on big budget films like those from George Lucas, Steven Speilberg or James Cameron, the cgi is so cutting edge that it will always look amzing. I think there's a balance and means for any type of monster effect, whether it is make-up, costume, cgi, or animatronics to look good if you have the ffects people behind them.




I'm a horror movie fan. And to me the werewolves in dog soldiers were the best because they seemed more human than any other werewolves I've seen. They were definitely frighting.


Meh, when the wolf was munching on the one guy in the barn, that looked extremely fake.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


sorry, but nothing beats the few good scenes in
"The Howling"


The werewolf costumes were excellent. prosthetics-from-dog-soldiers.html

Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim.


idk i guess kids like watered down things. Some dumb ass looking wolves, aren't they same thing as wearwolves in my opinion. Aren't they actually supposed to be called more like shapshifters or something in twilight?


i guess kids like watered down things.

Tell me about it.
Some College "Jesus Freaks" were trying to talk me into revising A Hospital Horror flick I wrote (I like to refer to it as my RED & WHITE movie) into some PG-13 crap by obliterating the "F" words and toning down the blood. The main character "Lost His Faith" and that's what intrigued them to actually read it.
I was impressively polite, and was a gentlemen about, but I was soooo ticked Off. The Nerve. THE NERVE!

Aren't they actually supposed to be called more like shapshifters or something in twilight?

I tip my head back and laugh at the "Follies of Life".
wtf is a LYCAN?
The Word LYCAN or SHAPESHIFTER doesn't sound scary at all.
NOT one bit.
"Werewolf" is a very scary word in my book.


SCREW YOU, MAN... you don't know what you're talking about!
Bella Swan and Edward Cullan have more.... errr..... umm.... oh, wait...

OK, I was going to write some hilarious parody of a dedicated Twilight fan enraged by your comments and replying along the "Leave Britney aloooooone" lines, extolling the virtues of Twilight over this and all other films... but then I realised there is absolutely *nothing* I can think of that even begins to argue Twilight's case!

Ah well. They say it's the thought that counts!

The Spacehunter Forum:
