Bruce's gun

One thing I never really got. When Bruce is on rearguard action, he tries to shoot three times, but every time it's just *click*

What happened to his gun? Did he just forget to change to live rounds?

Love this movie, it's probably the best British horror movie of all time.


I always assumed it jammed


Looks like a misfeed or similar.
IIRC, he's using an MP5? That's not on the standard training for a squaddie and, while most soldiers could figure it out fine, an unfamiliar weapon in stressed hands - could be he's just being bone and not charging it properly.

The Spacehunter Forum:


being what?? bone?? like a hardon??


Did you even watch the film?

Watch the scene where Megan asks what bone means.

The Spacehunter Forum:


ya, I get it, its fun in the movie, because she doesn't know
what he means, and they have to explain.
but its a movie. you guys don't really use that word, right?
is it just because you are posting on this movies
I have never heard it in any other movie or TV show before.


Yes, we do use it, although it's more military slang but you do hear it a fair bit around garrison towns generally.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Could have the safety on.

Could be empty

Could be a stoppage



I can not rememeber its been some time but if you look closely one of the guns misfires and the actor manually breaches and loads the gun manually out of instinct. It looked good so they kept the scene in the movie. I love this movie and it is a classic.

In a world full of lies the truth is the only answer- Blaze J. Shilling


The gun in question is a H+K G3... the blanks being used weren't strong enough to "cycle" the semi automatic so it kept jamming (commentary).

my freinds know I'm always there...
my enemies won't know I'm there till its too late.



Their training rifles were 5.56mm and the MP5 is a 9mm, so there is no way that he could have forgotten to switch rounds over. I think that it's probable that the reason for the weapon's misfire is due to it having been banged up - the werewolves weren't exactly gentle with the gun's owner so it's entirely possible that the gun sustained damage.



Basically, yeah! "Because the script called for it" solves all problems. :p



A G3 chambers 7.62x51 NATO.


It does (though the rifle in the film is a HK41, not a G3), but their training rifles are L85A1s, which are 5.56x45.

"No man yet found drinks his tea blacker"


I thought the gun Bruce used in the film was an L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle?

When I was younger I thought it was a G3, then I thought it was a FAL, and then I think I looked it up or something and it read that the gun was an L1A1. It would make sense, since the special forces team (presumably the SAS) would be using British weaponry aside from the German MP5's which special forces around the world use.

They all look aesthetically similar anyway, since the FN FAL came first, then the Germans based the G3 off of it, then the HK41 was a variant of the G3, while the British made the L1A1 which is a direct copy of the FAL.

I didn't think it could be either a G3 or an HK41 since the foregrip area (not sure what it's called) has a flat, boxy appearance whereas the grip on the FAL and L1A1 is more round and skinnier.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


Bruce's MP5 was salvaged from the wrecked Special Forces camp, so it would've had live rounds. Mostly likely it had been damaged in the first werewolf attack.

Thit and thpin!
