Things that bugged me a little
I sort of liked Dog Soldiers, but there were little things that kept taking me out of it. I actually have a high tolerance for horror nonsense, but this felt like a movie that wanted to be taken a little more seriously, so the things that bugged me stood out more.
1. When the bloodied cow just plops down in the middle of their camp. They took that really coolly. Why did no one ask "Where the F--- did this cow come from?" and investigate it immediately? It would be one thing to stumble upon a cow corpse, but it literally fell from the sky, and they just waited until the next morning to look into it?
2. Megan's reveal: This "twist" felt completely gratuitous and really ate away at the integrity of the entire plot. Can someone explain to me what she was doing for the entire movie up to that point, and what caused her to change her mind? Did she only become a werewolf after hurting her hand, and wasn't one before that at all? Why does she say early on "I know how to kill them" and then no one ever talks about it again?
3. At the beginning the werewolves are super stealth killing machines, but they get slower and less efficient as the movie goes on, to the poinbt that sometimes they just stand and growl at their prey for prolonged periods with no obstacles. Did I miss something about their behavior that made sense of this?