Writers know football much? Dont let QB out of contract!
Sandler could have screwed that QB more, by sayin. Go ahead and sit out, your still under contract and you wont be payed till you play. So not are they only factually wrong on how contracts work, it would have put the kid in a better situation, if Sandler lets him go (NOT WORSE!) made no sense. He tells him he is let go and can sign with another team? He would have been signed so damn quick by another team, so that part made no sense! Could have still had that part with his dad in it (like that old guy, in all his movies- he is funny) and would have made more sense when he told his dad he is sitting out and not getting a penny and the cussing. That would piss his dad off more, (getting picked up by another team and payed more) would not make a parent mad and that`s what would have happend. Sandler sayin he is free to go? NOT ONLY STUPIDEST THING EVER HEARD AND DONT HAPPEN! A YOUNG QB WOULD HAVE BEEN SIGNED BY ANOTHER TEAM WITH IN A HOUR! Sandler loves/follows sports also, so how he didnt know how a sport`s contract works, especially NFL contracts, sit outs every yr and those players dont make a cent. CAUSE STILL UNDER CONTRACT! Thats how you hurt them, would not be letting him go? That would not have hurt him in the least. LITTERLY THE STUPIDEST MOVE HE COULD HAVE MADE, AND THEY MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT WORKED? LOVE SANDLER, BUT THAT WAS STUPID! (AND I KNOW HIS CHARACTER WAS NICE GUY, BUT DONT MATTER - THE QB WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE IN A SEC!) Tell him he "can sit out then!" You dont let him go. A 5 yr old knows that, Sandler or writers should know contract`s also, just from being in the movie bizz. Producer gonna let you walk out on 5 picture movie deal? NO THEY DONT! SEE YOU IN COURT. So have no idea how that stupid part was written in, he would still be on team. Just not getting paid. Called a "holdout" owners dont let you go and tear up contract? Jeez, i know just a simple movie, but c'mon.