Black people hate mayo?

Where the hell did that come from? First time I ever heard of that. Chapelle was hilarious. Denise Richards is *beep* HAWT and well, Mr. feather acted more gay than black.



yeah, I would also like to know were the hell dat came from. The only two movie references to blacks hatin mayo is this one and pulp fiction. y'know the car seen when vincent tells jules that they drown french fries in mayo in amsterdam. and Jules tells vincent dats sum nasty sh!T.

does anybody no any other black stereotype movie/tv shows/documentareis on this weird ass stereotype. I saw this one black history month documentary on fried chicken and watermelon, but no mayo.

Jus holla if anyone got any info, or jus wanna type sh!T.

"TWO WONGS DON'T MAKE A WHITE" - sum stoned asian guy


pinoyboy976 do you know how rediculous you sound?






you are the biggest dumba** i've seen in my life. you're just asking to get your as* kicked.


dude if i didnt live in australia and if i had a job, a passport and was too cheap to fly to were ever the hell u live ide kick ur @$$ man, ur a racist son of a K!NT, no 1 and i mean no 1 u dumb fock has ever spoken like that, that dont even have shi to do with what the dam things about, just answer the question or dont say shi unless u wanna get f'ed up


African American's hatred towards mayonnaise should be perceived as more cinematic enjoyment, not realistic societal habit.

It's suppose to play along with the large variety of sterotypes placed in the film to even out it's outrageousness.

For example, sighting African Americans don't normally shop at the Gap due to it's catering of less than curvaceous sizes created mainly for Caucasians is ridiculous.


I personally like mayo, but I hate Miracle Whip. Perhaps makers could not retain the okay from Kraft to use Miracle. I do have a friend who likes Whip, though.

Yuck! But to each her own.


I thought the hated it in the movie becoz it was white.


cant help but agree with deathbunny32


I used to work at Subway in a mostly black neighborhood and I can tell you, black people DO NOT hate mayo. They LOVE it. They'd come in and have me pile mayo and pickels on every sub I made.


DID YOU ALL THInk it was gd? i didnt


Is watching a movie how you guys learn about cultures in the world? You need to get out more. It's patethic!

Listen, strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for system of government.


im not sure about black people not liking mayo, but i know that black people dont like blue chesse. my waitor said so. (when my mom asked if the steak w/blue chesse topping was good or not he said he didnt know b/c he hadnt tried it b/c black people dont like b.c.)

Never run in the rain with your socks on~Billie Joe Armstrong


I personally like mayo, but I hate Miracle Whip. Perhaps makers could not retain the okay from Kraft to use Miracle. I do have a friend who likes Whip, though.

Yuck! But to each her own.

exactly my thoughts! i luv mayo!
thanx for saving me some time, Akira


That comment has got to be a p iss take, surely?!
Please, please tell me that there are not people out there who are so utterly ignorant!!


No, the waiter who said black people don't like bluecheese was black. I thought I said that but I looked at my comment and apparently I skipped that little detail. lol.



Yeah, I understood that the waiter was black!!! But just because one black guy said that it doesn't mean he speaks for everyone. Are you sure he wasn't taking the mick??
It's like saying all Irish people love Guinness! Well I hate it.

Give cheese a chance! lol ;>


is that that blue vane stuff, every 1 thinks thats grose except weirods, ITS MOULD!!!! y dont u just eat food thats out of date, and its smells like the inside of an @$$, (dont ask me how i no what the inside of an a@$$ smells like, or ill say a ya mum come back)


I cannot stand Mayo, the only way I will eat it, is if I have some type of hot sauce on it (or hot peppers is an okay substitue). I do love Miracle Whip though!


It was just a joke, people. Black people like it, too.


not all, I seriously can't stand it.


It's a stereotype joke more on white people liking mayo (on white bread)less
that black people don't like it, but if they do...better with hot sauce according to the movie.

The movie is a satire/joke focusing on (mainly) black stereotypes.


mr jonz ur a sicko, and u must be confused every 1 loves mayonays, and if u think u dont like mayonas ur wrong, u do, cos u havnt tast me m8's mums chicken and mayo sandwitches they are the cats pyjamas, every time we talk about makin a band, we end up just makin planes to go over to dave so we can get some,but this will prob make me sound retarted but is hot sauce hot cos ive never had it... i think, but i remember hearin somin that sounded hot wasn't hot, but maybe im thinkin of chilly, mmmmmmm chilly, hey wait a minut who the hell has spicy sandwitches that the most sicking thing ive ever heard,
