MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > Black guys= cool ,White guys = evil

Black guys= cool ,White guys = evil

Thats what the mainstream media want you to believe.

The bad guy is always some middle aged white guy in a suit lol.

look at some films:

"The Hurricane" : Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight against evil racist white guys that want to screw him over.

"John Q": Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight against an evil middle aged doctor (white of course) that wont treat his son because of money and racism ( michael moore where are you)

"Remember the Titans" :Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight to be accepted as a Black Head coach in the evil racist south.

"Hitch" : Strong, intelligent, cool, black man Will Smith teaches fat nerdy white guy how to get women.

" The legend of bagger vance": Matt Damon is a loser, until myterious black man will smith comes along, makes everything super duper again.

"Sleepers" : the guards are all paedophiles and beat up the children. all except the Black guard, who in the dining room scene stands up for the kids and saves them further beating.

And thats just a few off the top of my head.

Look at " Undercover Brother", it starts with a black man in a bank beating the crap out of a bunch of white losers, then a black woman joins in the fun and trips them all up, after that i switched this piece of crap off.




A movie is the only place blacks win over the police. This movie is a comedy and it was meant to be funny. The joke is in the irony.


can you wiggers say LOSER

le-who-zaye-her ppl


I didn't like how they made the white people the evil characters in this either. As a white person it is an insult to be considered a racist and that my culture is completely wrong and uncool.

There were genuinely funny moments in the film, but some of the jokes and stereotypes portrayed made me slightly annoyed.

"You don't even know me, so don't hate me" - Total hate 95, no doubt


*roll eyes*

Way to miss the point of the film.


I didn't miss the point of the film actually.

"You don't even know me, so don't hate me" - Total hate 95, no doubt


I respect your right to your opinion vickie_nodoubt1-1. However, I think you really did miss the point of the film. There are black people jokes in there as well. The whole coloured people time insinuating that black ppl are always late and so on. I mean come on, just sit back and laugh, it is a comedy!

I honestly can't understand how anyone, black or white can find this movie offensive.


Not all white guys were portrayed as evil. Lance was part of B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D. the entire time...he was just an incredible nerd.

Chupathingy! It's got a ring to it!


If you didn't miss the point of the film, you wouldn't be offended.

The movie makes fun of the perceived stereotypes, not the races, or the white people in the audience, or you :P


perhaps the media is trying to make up for all the movie where blacks didnt exist.
how many movies have you seen where blacks were just extras? the early star wars movies?
what are some of your favorite movie and how many blacks were either main characters or memerable?






Well, you have convinced me that Denzel Washington = Strong and Intelligent.

Don't tell me what I can't do!


"The Hurricane" : Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight against evil racist white guys that want to screw him over.

"John Q": Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight against an evil middle aged doctor (white of course) that wont treat his son because of money and racism ( michael moore where are you)

"Remember the Titans" :Strong, intelligent black man Denzel Washingtons fight to be accepted as a Black Head coach in the evil racist south.

err putting aside the fact that the hurricane is a TRUE story... maybe there are a lot of films with strong black characters overcoming racism from nasty white people (particularly in the south) because there are a lot of nasty racist white people and it takes a strong person to stand up to that?

new song "Spirited Nights"


Amen! I'm a white girl from the south and I have seen it and heard it! Nothing I hate worse than idiot white people acting like they're the victims! Nothing but "Foxploitation!" Get over your angry white selves, get your head out of your ass, and get a sense of humor! I laughed all through this movie - it pretty much makes fun of everybody!

Ssssshh! You'll wake up the monkey!
