MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > Why is this film so CRIMINALLY underrate...

Why is this film so CRIMINALLY underrated?

I LOOOVE this film. I have watched so many times that when i first got it i could recite the dialogue with the film. I almost knew it off by heart.

I am pis sed off this film bombed at the box office. As a film on it's own right, it is brilliant comedy. There is a plot, that is not TOO taxing and a wonderful combination of humours. Slapstick, wit, stereotypes etc

It wasn't soapboxing, had a GREAT cast of talented actors/comedians, and just took you along for the ride.

But I know that if it was an equivalent "white film" the box office would have been double at least.

EVERYONE i have shown this film to has laughed their ar se off to it.

It took you along for a great ride and was just fun. yes it did have SoME politicising, but it didn't get hung up on it, and the references it was making were ones that have been the basis of stand up comics and sketch shows for years.

Does anyone else think it was criminally underated?
Does anyone else think that people got the feeling that this was a "race" comedy and stayed away?

I say all of this and I'm not either race

Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain


great movie.


I agree 100%!!

So great to see a movie where people really can make fun of racial stereotypes on all sides. It's an equal opportunity roast and comedy!!

This movie has lots of very clever and funny stuff and Dave Chappelle is fantastic! I've heard of him but never seen him before. He is the bomb!! Watching him spout all the conspiracy and black power stuff while drooling at the sight of the General's fried chicken and of a sexy white woman was too funny.

Eddie Griffin and Neil Patrick Harris were also great. This movie had no agenda against any one race at all, just a great sense of humor.

Super movie here!


Good film.


Because its anti-white.

A big no-no in America.


Methinks it is not a case of it being anti-white, rather, the staus-quo in america have a problem with anything pro-black. The film eventually makes the point that we should work together rgardless of race. You had a white person working for the BROTHERHOOD, and white she-devil was allowed to join.

I think it touched on a few nerves. But it had a black hero, who was proud of his ethnicity, and didn't die in the first 10minutes or died first or needed his white friend to save him.

And because the villain was unequivocably white, was prob a reason. In this film the black people were NOT responsible for the problems in this films world. They weren't crack heads, gang bangers commiting black-on-black violence, robbing and killing each other and everybody

And the message we get so clearly from most films is that it is usaully black people who aresonsible for their own predicament. And the worst ones say they deserve it.

So sad.....

Still doesn't change it is a criminally underated film

Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain




Yep this film deserves better!


I don't know what happened, I really thought this was a funny movie, bordering on or maybe all the way a cult film. Soo many people I talk to haven't even seen it though. And the way everyone goes on about Neil Patrick Harris in Harold and Kumar, which although hilarious, if you saw this movie first it was sort of anticlimactic since his character in this movie was hilarious too in the same kind of vein. This movie had a lot of funny jokes and sight gags and a cool soundtrack. Too bad it didn't get more attention, I try to recommend it when possible.


I saw this movie today for the first time and I was laughing out loud all through it! So many lame comedies out have just stupid, tired jokes and slapstick that you've seen a hundred times already. This movie was a smart, funny satire that gave everybody equal time in the target zone. I could watch it again and still get a kick out of it. It was genius to cast James Brown as the target of "the man's" plot! "Say it loud!" That was just perfect!

Ssssshh! You'll wake up the monkey!


Brilliant film. Its been a couple years since I saw it and I LOVED watching it again.

It walks a fine line regarding the racism but I think it pulls it off.

Totally under-rated movie.

You gotta promise not to stop when I say when...


if you actually listened to the movie, the ending moral was they all worked together as, white, man, woman..dont matter.

the movie was full of stereotypes that our culture created. it was cause all these bitter white ppl (im white btw) who think the film was making fun of just them, when its making fun of stereotypes..

a fun film ppl, most of you wouldnt understand a fun film. ppl


I agree, I can't understand why so many people haven't heard of UB, it is SO FUNNY. Some people aren't smart enough to get the humor I think and just see the "racism" instead of looking through what they are really trying to say.


You're so right. I love this movie so much. My quotes on facebook are all quotes from this movie except for Goldmember.

Are you watching closely?
-Alfred Borden, The Prestige


If you think this movie sucked because it was anti right. But if I made a movie with whites over blacks there would be a black riot in the street. It would be all over the news and boycotted in every major store.

Buy a gun



Well Said :oD

Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain



No--it ain't racist---basically people who are familiar with the plotlines of blaxsploitation films from the '70's and African-American history/culture in general would understand the humor. I do, and that's what made the jokes in this flick even funnier to me. That's what you need to know some of in order to get the jokes. Just because YOU didn't understand it dosen't make it a dumbass flick---did you even watch the film? It sure as hell dosen't sound like you did, so shut the hell up,watch it,laugh and then come back to the board when you actually have something worth saying about it.
