MovieChat Forums > Undercover Brother (2002) Discussion > im white guy and black guys with white c...

im white guy and black guys with white chicks is hot

i just thinks its hot anyone agree


As a black guy who tends to go for white chicks, yes, I am inclined to agree. Still like black chicks and all, but there's just something about white gals.


I love them both




if a black and white have a baby is it chinese?


No. It will strongly resemble the 10 million mixed African Americans you see every day. Slavery was a bitch.


I prefer white guys and Black women, personally. ;)


FU CK YEAH DUDE!!! RIGHT ON!! :OD I totally agree. No I'm not being sarcastic. I 100000000000% agree with you.

That is SMOKING!!!

The only thing better than that is ME banging black chicks!! :OD

Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain


White girlllllllllls, (Suzy,Jen, and Karen)
Going through my miiiiiind, (Sarah, Jesse and Julie, too)
White girlllllllllls, (Judy,Beth, and Sharon)
Help me unwiiiiiiind (The more I see the more I do)
Don't tell Minister Farrakhan (That's right)
He don't wanna know what's going on (Ok)
Cuz white girllllllllllls, won't go away..


Hey im a white chick n i tend 2 go for black guys. holla at me!


Not to seem disparaging of you but you would be what i refer to as a "cliche" round my way. I have seen black men-white women couples for nigh on 30 years. And there is absolutely, positively NOTHING wrong with it.

But what maybe you don't understand, is that the ideal of beauty is the caucasian woman. EVERYWHERE you look the standard of beauty is a white women. Again, so? What is very "new" for male consciousness in the western hemispere is the idea that a black woman can be smoking, dick-hard hot. It has only been on the last 5 years that when I see a black women on her own, it has now become harder to predict whether the guy to come to her will be black or white. And when i say non-black males are going for black women now, i don't mean just sex. I'm seeing marriages and children. 11 out of 10 when i saw a mixed race person the father was black, the mother was not. NOW I actually have to ask, and I am pleasantly surprised when I find out the father is white.

Being someone who has a child with a black women, and not being black myself, i have some experience.

But, holla, you understand what it means when I say "Once you go black, you NEVER go back!" :oD
Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain



Then what is your response to me. I want my wife to be black, does that mean that I should expect the same reaction as your giving to white women from black men? Does that mean I'm trying to "steal" black women? And if so, would that be alright in your book?

I have had a ton of sh it because my sons mother is black. From EVERYBODY. I don't care. Every partner since her has been a black female (and yes I take care of my son). And because I'm not black or white has just confused the hell out of everyone. i LURRRRRRRVE the sistah's :oD
Although my mind is breaking my existence makes a channel for the pain



I am a white woman and have a huge crush on Jaleel White( Steve Urkel). So I don't think anything is wrong with it.



The root of what people fear most about this is miscegenation, plain and simple. If we fully appreciate that science and DNA indicates that the common source of humanity is African stock (mainly because of ice melting there first from the last ice age over 200,000 years ago), then genetically speaking, all people are already mixed with black. The primary implication is then that only racial group which would be difficult to recreate is African (black people).

Something to think about as we watch AIDS, initially spread in Africa by vaccination, devastate what appears to be the continent of human origin.



Here's the basic global ethnic breakdown:

50% are of yellow
30% are of white
15% are black
5% are other

Given those percentages how would the "generic" human being really look?



Well I suppose by my simplistic former definition, Arabs/Indians/Pakistanis would be primarily yellow merged with parts of white and black. Now I realize I have dramatically oversimplified this so please don’t take me to task because I agree that there are literally hundreds of sub-classifications! I was far more interested conveying what a “generic” human being would look like than anything else. When I was in school we were taught that everyone falls into one or more of the former referenced categories (i.e. Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid or Aborigine: not entirely reflective of “other”).

I believe that if we begin with these classifications we can derive all the others that are far more reflective of intermarriage and changes in diet, climate, etc. Just as anthropology searches for a link between humans and apes, I believe that all human beings begin from one of the classifications mentioned above.

I mean no disrespect to anyone so feel free to correct what I have said as it largely diverges from answering the question I really asked (i.e. what does a “generic” human being look like?).



I stand corrected. Caucasoid by definition of the very word itself. Help me out then:

I have always thought of India as a country primarily occupied by people of color. Not to define race by geography alone but both India and Pakistan are both part of Asia. Was Gandhi then an essentially Asian-descended man who resisted the “white rule” imposed upon his country by British occupation? Do people of German, Austrian, English, Slavic, French, Spanish, Nordic, etc. ancestry consider the 1.2 billion people in India to be as “white” as they perhaps deem themselves to be?

Thanks in advance because I really want to understand this better.




I get what your saying about the indian, asian, arab part of things but a black person born, raised and residing in europe is european? I think you mean caucasion? (sp)


Middle Eastern. That particular group is the mix of everyone else.

The farther north you go, the whiter people get.

The farther south, the darker.

To the east, the eyes get less round and skin gets, for lack of a better term, yellow.

If you look at someone from the middle east, you can see features of all other ethnic groups.

And Iranians are Aryans, not Arabic. I don't think that topic has been brought up, but it is true nonetheless.



I don't think you understand race very well. Race is a social construction to describe physical appearance. The "common source of humanity" is Africa, but to say that means everyone is "already mixed with black" is technically incorrect. The variation in appearance comes from adaptation to surroundings. We all started in Africa, the people who went to colder climates developed paler skin colour, smaller noses to keep more body heat. People who stayed in hotter climates had darker skin tone (more melanin), larger nostrils to lose more body heat. It comes about with survival of the fittest. Think of the way animals adapt, like African vs Indian elephants or something, it's simply adaptation to the surroundings. So to say "all people are already mixed with black" is incorrect because that's not how it works, that implies there were different races in the beginning that mixed because they were together in Africa.

And surely the reason we care about the terrible AIDS problem in Africa is not just because it's devastating "the continent of origin"... We should care whatever continent it is, 'of origin' or not...


Wrong, learn some genetics before you talk. We all came from africa yes, but that was ca 100.000 years ago, back then before humans branched off and migrated into asia and europe, modern looks/phenotypes did not exist yet, so humans where not black back then.

only later in isolation from each other did the modern looks and races you see today develop.


i am a woman of color and ALL the guys i've ever been with have been white of very walk of life; from punk, to preppy, to scandinavian to eastern european. There are alot of white men that appreciate women of color and not just because of "novelty" reasons.
If i'm not married by 30 I'm going to somewhere like sweden lol

"Troubled childhood? If you call being a 9 yaer old kid with a 35 year old girlfriend troubled."- Blades of Glory


Italian guys love Black girls, as well.


Italian guys love Black girls, as well.

Robert De Niro comes to mind.


Black dudes have no standards, and they love white women, which is why 90% of the time black guys get with fat, disgusting white women.

Seriously, why are black people standards so low?







"im white guy and black guys with white chicks is hot "

A black chick and a white chick is even hotter
