Why do black people think that its okay for a black cop(Denzel) to be corrupt,but when its a white cop(Russell),they cry "racism"?Unbelievable!
shareWhy do black people think that its okay for a black cop(Denzel) to be corrupt,but when its a white cop(Russell),they cry "racism"?Unbelievable!
Completely understandable question.
As odd as I also find it, I also see a reason. In Training Day (spoilers maybe? I dunno, just making sure), Denzel Washington played a cop who had (probably) started out as a straight edge, but due to his environment and the way things work, he became obligated to learn the ways of the streets and eventually became taken with them.
In Dark Blue, Russel's character was played by a guy who was raised from day one to be a certain way, and he liked it, and he kept doing it. Sure, certain aspects of the job weren't something he liked to to possibly, but he was really just raised to do the job and to get rid of scum.
So, in short, Washington's role had him that way because he, for the sake of the script, had to. Russel's was that way because he, more or less, chose to.
But I totally agree that there's a double standard there.
Wow, you are retarded. Any slavery going on is most likely in the hispanic and/or white area of America. By the sounds of it, you've been listening to people like Jesse Jackson. Who runs the US? Rich white men. Why? Because they worked to get there. I don't remember Bill Gates enslaving and "culuhd" folk. There's something in this country called "employment at will" which isn't just a contractual agreement to shut up about certain things, but it also states that you're working there because you want to. The black man is held down? Yeah, by another black man. Some of the smartest people I know are black (they're not African American; they're just American), and they're stereotyped because of the moronic blacks that run around like seen in this movie. It's really a shame. I don't remember seeing in this movie or real life any white person making these black folks run around and loot. Who does the black shopowner blame? Of course your answer would be the white cops that beat up on Rodney King, because that incident gave an "excuse" to everyone else to start busting stuff up.
No, that's ridiculous. Stop limiting your people to pathetic standards set over 100 years ago.
Wow. YOU are the most pathetic person I've heard.
Another little fact that is conveniently forgotten about slavery. Yes, the big bad white man had slaves. But how did he acquire them? By traveling to Africa and conquering black men? Not at all. By Spaniards travelling to Africa, BUYING slaves from a tribe that conquered another, and SELLING them. Slaves were sold BY THEIR OWN PEOPLE. Who is more wrong??? The buyer or the seller?
Do some research on Pittsburgh's Hill district (particularly Wyle avenue) and you will see that it was the hottest place to shop between new york & chicago. Also it was self sufficient and all black. Flash forward 80 years to today and its a slum. What happened?
So called black leaders took the carrott from the Government and allowed their community to be the recipients of hand outs killing the drive to succeed in life.
I know a few people that are first and second generation from africa and they are ashamed of the black people in this country. A man that goes to my church (Joe is his name) wears the african robes and exhumes pride and dignity. Where is that in the black community today? All I see is 70%+ illegitimacey rate, successful black people (Dr Walter Williams, Justice Clarence Thomas) being called uncle toms, drugs, gangs, crime, boarded up buildings, and generations of people feeling sorry for themselves.
Dont say all us white folk sapped the culture either.
I am 4th generation in this country and my ancestors came long after slavery ceased as an institution. So as far as slavery is concerned I am off the hook and will be accountable to no one on this issue. Besides my ancestors endured hardship too and they got over it. Ever hear of the Irish Potato Famine? How bout Italians and Germans working the coal patch mines and steel mill towns of Pennsylvania?
Its time for the black community to stop clinging to the past and figure out a future. What is past is past and all those people are dead so let it go!
It's just that they forget that they have no idea that there was slavery unless someone told them, and that they should live their lives according to their own experience and not because of someone else's. Why riot over the Rodney King thing? What did it accomplish? Did every rioter know Rodney King? How did stealing things from the store fix anything? It didn't.
I think that whoever whines about reparations should get it. That way, when they squander their money away, they have nothing else to whine about and may actually start to fix the real problem; themselves.
As far a rich white men go, I have way more in common with black guy than rich white men. Lets face it, when going for a job they measure me and the black guy next to each other, we're the same, now put me next to any rich mans family member and I think I better keep looking for another job.