Soundtrack CD

Is there a score CD out for this film? I thought Terrence Blanchard's score was very good (although obviously meant to sound like Cliff Martinez' superior work on the other "drug" movies TRAFFIC and NARC) and I can't seem to find a score or at least a soundtrack CD anywhere. Anyone know about this?



Of course they won't. Seems like there are only about 10 people in the world that even notice film scores. Its a great shame, but guess we gotta live with it. Fine with me :)

BAZ - 'If something's worth doing, someone would have done it already'


Yes, I have the score. There are 18 unnamed tracks of Blanchard's score on it, preceeded by two tracks of some rap mess that I obviously skipped. Actually, it's rather disappointing on its own - it worked better within the film. Cliff Martinez's brooding "Narc" was much better... not to mention Mark Mancina's excellent "Training Day" (available only as an "unofficial" :) 2 CD release of the recording sessions, with some audible statements from the composer and the technicians...)


>Yes, I have the score. There are 18 unnamed tracks of Blanchard's score on
>it, preceeded by two tracks of some rap mess that I obviously skipped

Yey, good on you! Why can't they just bring out a score CD on its own? Anyway thanks for telling me, I just recently found out myself that the score was released in France.

>Cliff Martinez's brooding "Narc" was much better... not to mention Mark
>Mancina's excellent "Training Day" (available only as an "unofficial" :) 2 CD
>release of the recording sessions, with some audible statements from the
>composer and the technicians...)

TRAFFIC is Martinez' masterpiece I believe, even though everyone thinks its noise. Daft buggers. I dont recall the TRAINING DAY score and whilst I am aware theres a 2 CD set, theres other bootlegs out of it too.



Where can I buy the score ? I've looked everwhere, PLEASE let me know, I love the soundtrack. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Its only available in France as an import. But I have it if you wanna PM me.



Any chance u could email it ? I don't know how many tracks it is but if you CAN email it, I'd be very grateful, I've got a assload of score as well so perhaps if you emailed it to me, I could give u a list of scores I could email you?


Buy Terrence Blanchard's 25th Hour score/soundtrack, it's very good. Cheap plug: see 25th Hour movie as well!
