Police relationship w/community
As entertaining and well-acted as it is, "Dark Blue" leaves the viewer with the impression that the LAPD are back-door exploiters of criminals and a direct enemy of the public.
Many a Hollywood film speaks in the typical political language that slams the police and embraces criminals as victims/pawns in the abuse of power. What this type of dogma never bothers to mention is that minority interests are also represented by an innocent bystander who just to happens to walk in on a robbery and gets shot/beated/raped, etc. The minority perspective could also be an elderly person terrified of criminals gangs who have become prevalent in his or her neighborhood.
Yet, the politicized version from this movie is that minorities are not victims of crime committed in their own neighborhoods, but victims of police abuse and brutality. This point of view is simplistic and alarmingly oblivious to those in the minority community who are themselves victims of crime or who have watched their own quality of life get destroyed by crime.
One doesn't have to hostile to police, to support the interests of minorities. Much of it is their own safety at stake.