Hmm, jackasses.
South Korean movies. Really. How much of a toolbox elitist do you have to be before you say "I'm done with Hollywood, American movies are crap, I'm gonna stick with the smallest possible venue from a country that just barely isn't still pounding its food on rocks."
You think Hollywood is uninspired because it's familiar. When you've seen 1/3rd of the South Korean movies out there, you'll have realized that most of them are the same stories that they've been telling for generations, that haven't been circulated to America.
And instead of actually trying to look for something to disect, maybe expand your mind a little bit, you go with the shallowest possible interpretation of a movie under the mask of what you call "deep."
A cliche becomes a cliche because it's powerful, because it's meaningful, because it's the truth. Bet you'll never guess where a majority of the cliche phrases that people use originate. Give up? Dude named Bill, last name Shakespeare. Thing that people forget about cliches is that they start out loved.
So people love a good character flaw, and alcoholism happens to be pretty predominant in America because it's legal. Alcoholism breaks up marriages. That's two of your cliche's right there. What else you got? Personally, I thought the "rookie" perspective was the most important one. He's the moral ruler on which we judge the rest of the characters. And Ving Raimes's character . . .
Here Let's just try this. Let's get rid of all these cliches as you put it. Eldon goes home to a happy marriage every night, while politely murdering people for his boss, Jack, every day. Bobby's a seasoned cop rather than a rookie, and gleefully joins Eldon in dispatching anyone Jack, the corrupt superior, says. Ving Raimes's character doesn't exist at all, since you can't deal with someone from a minority bringing up race relations, and instead is replaced by a squirrelly spineless ratfink slice of whitebread who doesn't really care how bad race relations are in the LAPD.
Mmmkay, what just happened to the plot? Eldon and Bobby didn't bat an eyelash when Jack told them to frame and murder those two ex-cons, so they go home, lay low, and have a drink--Something non-alcoholic though, no doubt! No one's bringing up race relations in the middle of the Rodney King riots. Oh my, that movie sounds like a HOOT! BedbugEddie, you should write screenplays you should!
"I've had a wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."