MovieChat Forums > Dark Blue (2003) Discussion > Type of gun used by Russell in dark Blue

Type of gun used by Russell in dark Blue

Does anyone know what type of handgun Russell's character Eldon Perry carried in the movie? I know the shotgun he carried is a Mossberg 12-gauge, but what is the make and caliber of the pistol he was using? I am positive it is not a traditional 1911-style .45 or a Beretta 9 mm for that matter, which is what most police officers seem to carry. If anyone knows, I would appreciate it. Thanks.


It's a 10mm Smith & Wesson 4506 model.



Thank you for your reply.


Here are photos of the shotgun (Mossberg Model 590A1): ;rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS366US367&sout=1&tbs=isch:1&sa=X&ei=4a aGTYOiD4GRgQff98XTCA&ved=0CDEQvwUoAQ&q=MOSSBERG-590A1&spel l=1&biw=1234&bih=585

Ye Olde Sig Line:

It should be "I can NOT care less."

You are at the lowest level of caring.


Could be wrong here, but I don't think that 4506's come in 10mm, rather I think they're solely in 45 cal. However, the S&W 1006 does come in 10mm, and externally they're virtually the same weapon as the 4506.

Anyway, I just felt like throwing that out there.


Russell carries a S&W 4506 .45ACP Automatic in Galco Shoulder Rig. A S&W 4566 .45ACP Automatic, which is a short barrelled version of the 4506 (uses the same magazine too) carried in a strong side hip holster, and his daddy's old S&W K-framed M&P .38 special revolver.
