Los Angeles

I don't live in the USA but if somebody would be kind enought to tell me if Los Angeles is anyway near what it was in Dark blue?

If it is, i'm just sorry



The movie was taped in LA. This is LA baby.. love it or hate it.


Yeah, the place is terrible man. Every white man there is either a racist thug or a waiter waiting to be an actor. Move to Miami instead.



Dude, I was reading some of your other posts, along with this one. I think you have some issues on race relations.


A typing turd! Couldn't you maybe get some kind of a sideshow job or something with that kinda credentials?


I think what BelMinds may have been referring to is the riots, not the racism. Yes, those riots in the movie were real, the occured after the Rodney King incident, where a bunch of whit LAPD officers severly beated a black man. But riots dont errupt like that every day.



James Ellroy summed up LA in this way:
"Come on vacation, leave on probation"




People that don't live in the USA or Los Angeles and see movies like Dark Blue have to realize what reality is. Los Angeles is the biggest city in the USA with all different ethnic backgrounds and a history of crime and corrupt police but it's not all about crime or bad police. Think about the biggest city in your country. Does crime exist there? Do people do bad things? Are there parts of the city you wouldn't travel to by yourself late at night? I'm sure the answer is yes to all of those questions. Does that mean everyone is like that or that every part of the city is like that? I'm sure not. Yes there were riots in Los Angeles and they were pretty much depicted as it happened accurately. But it was in a very small part of the city. Yes there are policemen who used violence and many black people were pissed off that the cops got off because of the racial tensions in the city. And yes it makes them just as bad as the cops they were protesting about.



its not because you go to a bad area opf a city once that you'll automatically get robbed or raped.. don't be stupid

I see dumb people everywhere, and sometimes, they don't even know they're dumb!


excellent post corykrelove


It sure as hell is Los Angeles!! And from what I've heard, some of the scenes were shot in some of the worst areas of L.A.

Amos McElhone


The people responsible for the riots aren't the type that can be reasoned with, or bargained with. They were mindless thugs who enjoy inflicting misery. There were a lot of angry black people who stayed home and watched on tv. They had a BRAIN and realized that two wrongs don't make a right. The people---or really animals---that went out that day beating and looting, weren't doing it for King. They were doing it for themselves, their own warped, idiotic selves. And most of them were career criminals. Of the 12,000 people arrested, 60% of them had been arrested before. In the end it turned out whites and Latinos outnumbered the arrested african-americans!

You can't rationalize with an insane animal.


Well, thank you very much for the information. I'm from Denmark, and I'm 14 years old, so I'm not clever on this point, all I know is what I've seen in Dark Blue.

Amos McElhone




deaths were around 50 or so in the LA riots, but yeah riots can be pretty bad over there.



It was like a zombie film!

"this is it" "chew some gum your breath smells like my grandmothers feet" THE CHASE


This thread is exceedingly amusing because it casts the kind of aspersions that I once thought would never past muster with Los Angeles.

I don't live in L.A., but I know a lot about this city. I know for a fact that it is a stupid place to be a bigot. Once you get out of the rough ghettos, and into the more suburban areas, the West side and the like, you better keep your racism to yourself.

Remember that this metro area is a place that Bill Clinton came to visit all the time. Hollywood embraces multi-culturalism even more fervently than our colleges and universities. To be bigoted in this place is to be an instant pariah.

Yes, relations between police and the black community have been mercurial for years, but ever since 1992, City Hall has shown little or no appetite for putting the LAPD on a tight leash. The election of an Hispanic mayor has not changed that.



LA has changed quite bit since '92, btw I had lived there a couple of years at that time and witnessed the rioting/looting first-hand. LA was a lot more dangerous back then (gang violence specifially). There was also more police corruption - it's a lot better now.
