Stirring, Emotional, Though Provoking Monologues
Almost every character at one point in the movie has a monologue/soliloquy about the tremendous tension of the political atmosphere which permeated every part of the Civil War. Chamberlian has some of my favorites (the one in which he asserts he respects the Confederate army and cannot judge a mans reasons, but questions a country that will fight so savagely for its freedoms while it denies an entire race of that exact same freedom), Jackson has some brilliant monologues which are equally tragic because he fully believes 100% in his cause, protecting his country and kin and we know his fate, that Gods Will shall come to pass, and unfortunately for him it was Gods will for him to die. If Jackson had been at Gettysburg they would have either taken the high ground the first day instead of waiting for the third, or not have gone in at all. And Gettysburg was Lee's Waterloo. Even minor characters had tremendous monologues; such as the rebs on one side of the river smoking tobacco and a lone yankee is whistling a song. Johnny reb yells out he wants some coffee, Billy Yank replys he'll trade for some smoke and they meet in the middle as Americans and for the one brief moment there is no war, just two men enjoying a peaceful moment and making jokes.