MovieChat Forums > Gods and Generals (2003) Discussion > Why do people keep bitching about the sc...

Why do people keep bitching about the scenes with the little girl?

Except for the first one at the Christmas Party, all of the other scenes with Jane Corbin were in the novel, taken word for word. It's one of the few things that were left completely intact in the adaptation.

So why all the hate?

How do you like that piece of satire?


I have to say I find almost unbearable the contrast between Jackson nearly breaking down in tears when talking to the small girl about the meaning of the the Christmas decorations (and other simillar scenes) and Jackson yelling "Give them bayonett" or "Give me enough bullets to kill them all" on the battlefield.

Not speaking about him praying all the time but I can understand the USA are different in this compared to my country with one the highest percentage of atheist in the population in the whole world :-)


But it really happened. There are plenty of historical accounts of Jackson breaking down when informed of her death.


I just recently watched the Director's Cut on DVD, and I found those some of the most moving scenes of the film. They were so touching.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


They are in the book, but if memory serves they're compressed into a chapter or two and don't take up nearly as much time as they do in the movie. The scenes are sickeningly maudlin and out of place in the movie.

"My child is God to billions of Asians!"


The scenes are sickeningly maudlin and out of place in the movie.

And Jackson was something of a hypocrite: a sentimental romanticist, a religious nutcase and a stone-hearted killer filled with blood lust on the battlefield. Not to mention that he held very odd medical ideas - even for his time and day - about lemons and keeping the blood in balance.
