Federal government will bring about rule by commerce and banks
How true Stonewall, how true
shareDid this conversation occur? That's my question.
Colonel Stuart, if I had my way, we would show no quarter to the enemy, no more than the redskins showed your troopers. The black flag, sir. If the North triumphs, it is not alone the destruction of our property; it is the prelude to anarchy, infidelity, the ultimate loss of free and responsible government on this continent. It is the triumph of commerce - the banks, factories. We should meet the Federal invader on the outer verge of just and right defense, and raise at once the black flag. No quarter to the violators of our homes and firesides! Our political leadership in Richmond is too timid to face the reality of this coming war; they should look to the Bible. It is full of such wars. Only the black flag will bring the North to its senses and rapidly end the war.
kulgion: The only thing that strategy would do would bring the exact same response from the North. Jackson like most Southerners of the time had a delusional view of the North and its People. Sam Houston had a different and more accurate viewpoint. Once they get going they will move over the South like a Avalanche.