Why are the DVD seasons and IMDB episode listings different?
On DVD, season 1 has 13 episodes: "Pitch Pilot" to "Swimming in Oblivion"
season 2 has 13 episodes: "Der Dieb" to "Return to Oblivion"
season 3 had 13 episodes: "Splitsville" to "Neptunati" *
season 4 had 13 episodes: "Isla de las Chupacabras" to "Legacy of Laughter" *
*(I'm guessing on seasons 3 and 4 because I don't own them and didn't see any episode listings on Amazon.com)
Now, compare this to the IMDB listings:
It seems to me like every new season started in November, and thus the DVD releases are more correct. Anyone know whether or not I'm right about that?