MovieChat Forums > Sealab 2021 (2000) Discussion > Anybody see that sealab 2020 episode the...

Anybody see that sealab 2020 episode they aired?

It was a while back, must have bene a year or so, i dont know what made me think of it. It was the original sealab 2020 made in like the 70's. i caught it at 3 am. real plot, everything. I kept expecting the base to blow up or hesh to blurt out something dumb, but i didnt happend. then at the end i remeber me alughing hysterrically at the whole thing. Like almlost throwing up due to laughter. It was great.


The episode you are looking for was "7211."




That was the point =]



Wasn't that strange!? I didn't enjoy 7211 that much, but at the VERY end, after the credits roll, and the sub explodes (implodes), Murphy says something funny. I think it's something like " . . . okay."

Doesn't matter - anything Murphy says is hilarious.


I think the original poster is talking about an actual episode of "Sealab 2020" from the 70s, before the 2021 guys did anything to it. Cartoon Network's "Boomerang" channel showed it for a short time when "Sealab 2021" started to get popular.

-- Rob


No, he's not talking about Boomerangs showings, he is talking about 7211, as everyone else has pointed out.

Religion is the sin of mankind.


I remember that I was like 'what the hell' but then I realized that was the original one I had never seen the original of that or SpaceGhost.


I kept waiting for something funny to happen. But it never did.


"I want a divorce."

"That's not funny."

"Not everything is funny."

"That Sealab show is funny."

"Not all the time."
