MovieChat Forums > Sealab 2021 (2000) Discussion > Most underrated and overrated episodes?

Most underrated and overrated episodes?

There's a thread of this on, but I'll start one here...

IMO, I think Chalkboard Jungle, Swimming In Oblivion, Butchslap, and The Policy
are the most underrated.

The most OVERRATED in my opinion is Stimutacs. Just not that funny.


well, i dont know how the episodes are rated, exactly, but there are some very good ones with capt. shanks in it (he is the most complained about. personally, i thought he was pretty funny).

i liked stimutacs. lots of good quotes- 'are you digging this air? this air rules!', 'i have the strength of a bear that has the strength of two bears!'

my fave shanks episodes (since theyre all underrated) are-

Shrabster- i loved the announcer when the african kid died. and i loved how shanks shot the shrabster twice

sharko's machine- the entire bit with the bosnians had me rolling. and the constant 'cincinatti hotplate' gags. and shanks racist bit at the beginning was hilarious.

actually, come to think of it, season 4 was a really good one!


The style of sealab changed a lot for season 4 and a lot of the hardcore sealab fans probaly don't like it as much. Personally i thought "Monkey Bananna Raffle" was hilarious, as was the whale cancer one. And all of the clasics are great. I've just been watching season 3 and 4 more than 1 and 2 lately. Return to oblivion at the end of season 2 was quite good as well. Indeedly.


Most underrated: "7211."
Most overrated: "7211."

-- Rob
