I agree that she should not have been able to beat him with such little training but I have been doing Krav Maga for years and I know of some women who would kick my ass in a couple minutes of a fight. Strength is important but technique and knowledge of fighting is so much more valuable. But the reality is that one strong punch is all he needed to win the fight and no matter how many hours you train 1-3 months or whatever is not enough. There is so much to learn, even black belts who trained 5+ years are still learning everyday.
And for the record half of krav maga is getting the intensity and bursting into strikes and techniques that she showed no understanding of.
When you fight a bigger person (man or woman), it's always a gamble, skill or no. You have to remember that as the smaller person, you have to a lot more work with your shots or submission work than they will have to do with you. One shot from them or their dominance in terms of weight and size advantage can be crucial in ending the confrontation, so being careful and strategic is an absolute must when you're smaller.
The fact that the guy was untrained in this movie would for sure play to her benefit, but even then, like the above poster mentions, he still would in reality probably only need a single hit or dominant takedown whereas she, even with training, would have to expend a lot more energy to get the same results. In this kind of situation, if the man also had training, then the odds would be almost totally against her.
Most women's self defense is usually not based around doing damage but rather defending, slipping out, and getting away, and quite honestly that usually applies to men too, in a situation where there is no ref and rules, it's rarely worth it to fight.
The main factor in the realism of the events in this would be if it was specifically stated how long she trained and what the quality level of the training was. It does seem like a lot of effort when the cops could probably be called and the situation could be dealt with, but it is an empowerment-type movie.
"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon