Sleeping with the Enemy?
Is this not a carbon copy of Sleeping With The Enemy?
The abusive husband
The cleanliness - the scene where all the house is suddenly organised is used in both?
Is this not a carbon copy of Sleeping With The Enemy?
The abusive husband
The cleanliness - the scene where all the house is suddenly organised is used in both?
The threads could been deleted or are second page - but yes it has been mentioned yrs ago that both movies are similar.
Don't recall what I originally posted on other thread but my thoughts is the only difference is this one showcases how a woman w/ a child has to deal. Such as scene at police station where the clerk tells her that unless the child is in danger that the husband could have rights. Which is what to me made the differences between both movies. In Enemy she fought w/ a gun while in this one she fought with fist.
Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand
I really don't see any similarity. SWTE had a whole different feeling to it.
"Let's not ask for the moon, we have the stars".
Don't take offense but if ur gonna post at least be more specific to why u feel that way.
FYI ~ posting due 2 ur comment came straight 2 me
Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand
I really don't see any similarity.
I've seen both and I kinda liked this one better. Had more meat to it than Sleeping with the Enemy did.
shareAside from both being abusive there are differences.
In Sleeping with the Enemy the husband is OCD and narcissistic. His is a jealous control freak who wouldn't want his wife to get pregnant as then he'd have to "share" her. And notice he dresses his wife like a living doll, choosing her wardrobe even.
In Enough the husband is narcissistic but his control is about being able to do anything he wants with no consequences. What ticks him off is the wife being defiant. (And remember his Mom assuming she said something to "deserve" the beating?) He considers his wife a maid with benefits, to be seen and never heard. He wants compliance. I'm sure he'd be demanding a second child in order to have a male heir at some point.
Both husbands are controlling and both consider their wives as trophies. But their reasons are different.
How the wives react are different too.
In Sleeping with the Enemy the wife is pretty passive and just flees after faking her death. In Enough the wife eventually becomes proactive to put a permanent end to her abuse.