MovieChat Forums > Enough (2002) Discussion > Annoying movie...too 'female victim' cli...

Annoying movie...too 'female victim' cliche

This is the type of movie every woman dreamed of being in in the 80s and early 90s but since then it has become way too cliche and was overused and predictable by the time it came out. Was this an ego trip for Lopez? It is not like your average female hasn't dreamed of being the damsel in distress in this type of movie over and over again. "Poor innocent beautiful and delicate me. I didn't have a real father growing up. I am beautiful but overlooked like Cinderella working in a diner. Men make bets over getting into my pants but nobody wants me. But then my dream Prince comes who worships me but then beats me. When I try to escape he reveals his obsession over me and that he doesn't want me to leave.....".

You get the point. Every woman fantasizes about being in a movie like this. The story is predictable. The characters are cliche....the beautiful damsel in distress, her mean father, the man who steps in as her father, the handsome wife beater, the loyal female friend who is less pretty and more messed up than the lead, the nice guy friend who wants the main damsel back and is willing to protect her and just happens to be available and it off with the annoying over cliches child (she isn't cute), and we have our too typical gushing sentimental wife beating flick which has been over used on Lifetime and was only ever done right in Sleeping with the Enemy and Fried Green Tomatoes.

The actual wife beating scenes get me laughing each time I watch this. The way Mitch stares at her all smug when she is telling him what he can and can't do. The way he says ....."I can't hit you???" and meanwhile he is looking as sexy as ever. Tell me ladies....which of us HAVE NOT fantasized about this? The wife beating scenes in Sleeping with the Enemy and Fried Green Tomatoes were far more convincing and were actually depressing.

For all these reasons it is hard for me to feel sorry for Lopez in this.


My problem is then he first hits her...she is reacting to him cheating on her. That is a movie in and of itself. When I hits her and basically says not only did I cheat, but I will continue because it's best for everyone involved, oh yeah, and I have the authority to beat your ass also. There was just too much going on in that one scene.
Also, Lopez's reaction was terrible. If I were a woman I would have just walked away right there but she sat like a deer in headlights. No words, no emotions. I mean you're mad you've been cheated on, you've been hit, some sort of reaction is needed there and I don't think shock is appropriate. She already knows he's a cheating bastard


Most stupid comment ever.
