Enough may as well have been written on toilet paper cause the script is absolute *beep* From the line "I'm your wife!" to her being named Slim (come on - give the heroine a real *beep* name), the daughter saying she's not slim (lameeee joke), and her calling the daughter Toots (jesus, that made me want to straight up vomit), I can honestly truly say that I believe this movie was written by a feeble crusty old white man.
In fact, if Donald Trump ever decided to be a screenwriter, this is the kind of movie he would write. You know how I know that? Because he has gone on record saying this is his favorite movie. Yup, you heard it here first: Donald Trump LOVES this movie.
whats your point, jackhole? You like the movie? or do you just like to debate honest movie reviews with no proof of pudding to back your argument? wait, did you even MAKE an argument? NO! YOU DIDN'T! So shut your *beep* mouth!
the main problem I see with this movie is that it beats the audience over the head with its message
Yes, I get that violence against women and domestic abuse are very real problems in our society. And I also fully acknowledge what a terrible thing it is... but I felt this movie beat us over the head with it... the husband character played by Billy Campbell was WAY too much of an over the top caricature of a villain, he was almost cartoonish... I found that character to be horribly written. There are better ways to write a despicable, evil, sadistic character WITHOUT making him over the top... and the character was almost written badly ON PURPOSE just to push the movie's message... there are more subtle ways of getting messages across
I'll use ANOTHER movie with a SIMILAR theme as an example... the Julia Roberts movie, Sleeping With The Enemy... that movie was REALLY good at first... the villain in that movie (who ALSO happened to b the main characters husband) was a very well written character AT FIRST... despite how evil and dispicable he clearly was, he wasnt over the top or cartoonish at all... until about the third act of the movie when hes looking for her, knows she's alive and and becomes a caricature of a caricature... its like the character was written by a totally different writer than in the first half of the movie... he went from being a solid, well written villain to being OVER over the top... its like they practically turned his character into Freddy Krueger and thats when the movie lost me... because it didn't seem to blend with the story that was meant to be told...
I agree this movie is beyond stupid, I’ve only seen it once (never intend on seeing it again) but here are a few of my more infuriating moments:
1) That little girl does not talk like a little girl, whoever wrote her dialogue sucks
2) So the lawyer she goes to see like somehow is able to figure out exactly when the guy is going to try to kill her? Ummmm he barely knows anything about the situation except what J-Lo told him
3) Her trainer like knows that J-Lo is going to try to kill the guy and again knows exactly how things are going to go down?
4) J-Lo, who is supposed to be paranoid that the husband is going to try to kidnap the daughter, just lets her run around in a crowded area where anyone could have easily abducted her
5) J-Lo broke into his house, she assaulted him first, and we are supposed to root for her? I get that the cops may not know that but she deserved to go to jail
6) The scene of her hitting him in the face and he not only appears not to be hurt but doesn’t take her bait while it is stupid is actually kind of funny (unintentionally)
2) The lawyer is just telling her he will never stop until she sumbits or he kills her, and that the custody hearing is just a trick to lure her into the open (which makes sense given Mitch's character. He seems like the kind of guy who ALWAYS wants the "easy" way out of everything and would "die" to avoid consequences and responsibilities).
5)In real life, she might have gone to jail. In the real world, they should have at least notice and questioned the snipped phone wires. I agree this was Hollywood nonsense. She could have just used his gun and it would be over in less than a second. But this was CLEARLY made to be a popcorn film to appeal to audiences and not an arthouse film about domestic abuse, so they gotta make sure the bad guy doesn't get off easy.
1, 3, 4) I agree the script was quite ridiculous, there's no telling what someone can do in a fight or how someone's mind works, and the fact she let her daughter run around is just for Hollywood suspense clearly.
6) I can kind of agree with that. Granted, he's a coward and not a fighter, and now sees she has an advantage. but he's just like "let's do this another day when I'm ready and prepared." If I were him, even If I were not ready and prepared, I still would have taken my chances and accepted her challenge of "survival of the fittest".
The biggest issue for me was how they didn't elaborate on Mitch's obsessive character. They didn't give him any backstory or emphasis on why he was so possessive of his family, when he was clearly willing to go behind their back for his own desires, nor did they didn't explain why he only became angry when someone called him out on his nonsense or stood up against him. Someone like him who demands respect from everyone in general, but is willing to show none to them, really doesn't feel suitable to indulge in possessive behavior.
The movie had an intriguing and rather controversial premise that could have been promising, but it was ruined by too many Hollywood cliches and lack of substance.
That part is true. He's simply stating his assumption to her that Mitch will likely try to kill her with the custody arrangement. He doesn't know for sure what's going on.
I don't think she was wrong for "kill him before he kills you and possibly your daughter". Mitch never loved both of them, considering he was neglectful of them in favor of his own desires and seemed to barely have a hint of a conscience. This guy felt more like a self-serving Psychopath than someone who is obsessive. He only wanted them around to influence a positive image of being a "real man" and to make his personal life easy, nothing more. He would have never let them out of his life or stopped or changed his hostile and aggressive methods. I think she's completely justified in the path she takes.
In the real world, he would not have so much power to do as he pleased or information to track her all across America in such a short time, and no one in a legal position would be like "I'm sorry, lady. But you had your chance and blew, and there's nothing we can do because he has too much influence on his side".
So it's not likely that she would decide he would have to die in such a short timeframe to solve her problem and they obviously won't have her risking her life again to give him a taste of his own medicine, but that's Hollywood for you.
Right, he's making baseless assumptions which is not the kind of thing a lawyer should be doing.
Also you don't have a right to "kill someone before they kill you", deadly force can only be used to respond to deadly force, you don't get to just assume someone will at some point in time use deadly force against you so you kill them. There could have been a way to make us side with J-Lo, like she learns self defense then Mitch attacks her and she defends herself by killing him, but that's not how it happened.
Your scenario is definitely better. While he definitely got what he deserved and she probably saved others from the wrath of a monster, it really is just Hollywood nonsense that she becomes the predator and decides to give him a taste of his own medicine, rather than just ending it then and there using his gun from the shadows. I'm not sure what the message exactly was, because she breaks in, yet she finds out she's no monster and can't kill him.
This is exactly why I was a bit disappointed in the last 30 mins of Sleeping with the Enemy. The husband's characterization was quite nice until they changed him into a psycho who remain calm while harming strangers he didn't know. The movie is not a true lesson in Self-Defense.