Not bad!

the movie was pretty funny. The girls, Eva Mendes and the one that played Cube's girl, are fine.


i thought this movie was awesome. i dont know why people have to be so critical just because ice cube co-wrote it. i thought it was really funny and mike epps was hilarious!



DAI DAI god dam it that movie was heaps funny if u did not laugh at that u r a fool the part when dai dai is in the chemist and is making fun of the old people ROFL that part rocks
have u seen friday that movie is very funny


That movie was just funny! Now, some people may not like it but I LOVE it! Remember my brothas and sistas its All About The Benjamins!

DeTrOiT BaSkEtBaLl!!!


saw it for the first time last night, and was pleasantly surprised. I thought the acting was great and the dialogue was top class. Cool cinematography and some priceless scenes. Did anyone else feel like Bad boys 2 borrowed a thing or to from this ?

