Couples questions
LOVE THIS MOVIE, a 5.7 is an amazing insult.
I've seen this movie at least 10 times, used to watch it all the time in high school and college. That was a few years ago though, just watched it again for the first time since probably 2006. A couple things, of which I surely knew back then, stuck out to me this time.
1. Bucum's $600 fish in the beginning, he refers to it a few times as "Zo." Is this a reference to Alonzo "Zo" Mourning? Bucum is obviously a big Heat fan so it seems like the obvious explanation right?
2. What exactly is the two bit hustle that Reggie and the old ladies are running in the convenient story? I guess to me it looks like he buys them condoms and some other things (maybe to save them some kind of embarrassment) and in exchange they steal a few items for him mathematically saving them all a little bit of money. The ladies would have a better chance of getting away with stealing given the stereotypes of a black man vs. two old white ladies, plus just having him in the store takes the attention off of everyone else as he is known to be a crook per the owner. Is that right?
3. During Julian's interrogation as Gina asks him where the wallet is she says in Spanish, "munillero" or something like that. I always assumed she was saying the Spanish word for wallet until I just looked up what wallet is and its "billetera." So what is the word she says?