MovieChat Forums > Fear Factor (2001) Discussion > Anybody ever get sick or injured in this...

Anybody ever get sick or injured in this show?

Last episode I saw, they blended up a rat and ate it. The rats looked like they had been boiled, but could have been raw.

So, I'm wondering here anybody ever got sick getting e coli from pig rectums or something during filming?


All of the stuff that they eat are fully appoved by the FDA, no was has ever come down sick from eating any of the food, they make sure that its safe for them to eat.


My sister has a Videonow and loves Fear Factor so of course she bought all 11 episodes available for it and in one of them a guy fell on a stunt(With a rope)ANd while falling hot this one beam and broke his arm.


One girl was allergic to fish(without knwoing it) and she got a red scar so she had to quit.


Yeah, that was me that had the bad allergic reaction to the fish.

Funny enough, I am not allergic to fish, but this was rotten, bacteria ridden fish whose teeth cut up my skin terribly. My throat closed up, I went into convulsions, then passed out. I needed an adrenaline shot (which they did not have), so I had to ride it out. (I don't know how long I was out however).

I have to say thanks to Joe Rogan for looking out for me. He was definitely the nicest person I worked with on the show.


"The rats looked like they had been boiled, but could have been raw."

how and why do you know boiled rats look like?!

Silence is golden but duck tape is silver.


"I needed an adrenaline shot (which they did not have)"

wow :O don't they have any trained medical staff on hand? i mean, i presume you had to sign a waiver to say that you wouldn't sue them but still....criminal!

it's a pity you had to quit, you seemed like a decent person

they're showing reruns in my country so i saw yr episode the other day

even though you might be a fake imdb-board poster, i don't care, i really liked that episode :)



"All of the stuff that they eat are fully appoved by the FDA, no was has ever come down sick from eating any of the food, they make sure that its safe for them to eat."

what about the 100 year old egg? and the rotten cheese pizza with maggots, how is that safe :(


Everything they eat is approved and safe. What we think in America as gross and disgusting, people in other parts of the world eat that stuff everyday.

There is no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people.


"what about the 100 year old egg?"

That's just what it's called, not to be taken literally.

It's usually a few weeks to a few months old.


...and I wouldn't trust anything approved by the FDA anyway, given their track record of poisoning entire populations. Aspartame.. canola oil..


Century eggs are safe to eat. They're preserved eggs or something.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised. I think I remember that in a similar competition show, Dog Eat Dog, a contestant passed out during a "hold your breath under water" challenge. His family sued the show because he sustained brain damage.

However, I believe that in all these items are cooked before they are eaten. In one Survivor, the final round of an eating challenge was a live grub. One competitor gave up on the spot and the other simply swallowed it. He later claimed that he could feel it wiggling on the way down.


I heard that the twins from the band Madina Lake got an infection from the nasty cow meat they had to swallow down during one of the Fear Factor: Twins Edition episodes. I also heard a lot of people's bodies react badly to whatever they end up eating on the show.
Yeah, some other cultures eat this stuff all the time, but Americans don't usually, and our bodies have adapted to our food.

It is not God who kills the children... It’s us. Only us. -Rorschach


I didn't watch Fear Factor very often but I remember one contestant who said, "I'm Korean. I can eat anything." I also remember a Chinese guy who ate some kind of internal organ with ease while the blond guy with big muscles was gagging.

There was an episode where the contestants had to eat Balut. Balut is a duck or chicken egg that is taken and cooked when the chick is partially formed. It's a delicacy in parts of Asia.

Would you eat a testicle the size of a baked potato for $50,000?



I'm glad they did it because they couldn't have gotten their band off the ground without the money. :)

Back off man, I'm a scientist.


I'm sure some people did but we never heard about it.


There was one episode where the contestants had to stick one of their hands in a barrel of fish guts, fish heads and whatever else was in the barrel, pull out a fish head, stick one of their hands into the fish head and pull out a paper that said how many of whatever they had to eat they had to eat. One contestant, a female, put one of her hands into the barrel of fish guts, fish heads and whatever else was in the barrel, pulled out the fish head, put one of her hands into the fish head to pull out the paper that said how many of whatever she had to eat and before she could start eating the however many she had to eat of whatever she had to eat, the hand that she stuck in the fish head, started developing a rash. Medical personal came to her aid to check out her hand. Seth Rogan had to tell her that the reason her hand she stuck in a fish head developed a rash was because she was allergic to fish; she of course didn't know she was allergic to fish. She then had to quit the show. The reason she didn't know she was allergic to fish was because she has, up to when the episode was taped, had never eaten fish before in her life. What a way to find out she was allergic to fish.


I seem to remember an episode where in one segment they had to jump from one building to another, and one guy (i seem to remember him being Goth-looking) banged his knee during the jump, and in the next segment he was using a cane. I wonder if the show pays for medical treatment. A few years back on a Survivor finale/reunion, one guy had hurt his leg during the show, and he said he was going to use the money from appearing on the finale to get his leg fixed. I would have thought that would be a worker's comp type of deal.

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


Funny you called the host Seth Rogan... Seth is the dude from Superbad. Joe Rogan was tyhe host of Fear Factor. There really wasn;t a Seth Rogan until years after Fear Factor was off the air.


Well, in the most recent episode, one of the contestants was vomiting after spending one minute in a tear gas chamber. That was probably the hardest thing for me to watch in terms of this show.

"As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster."


yes. some episodes people have gotten sick, injured or just given up in the game. but thts the fun of it! watching people do gross stuff. isnt that the point of fear factor?
