favorite part???
I just wanted to know what your favorite part was? Mine was at the end when they have the medel on there bodys and it is dark out and you can see the light from the bullets from hiting the medel. That is the best part!
shareI just wanted to know what your favorite part was? Mine was at the end when they have the medel on there bodys and it is dark out and you can see the light from the bullets from hiting the medel. That is the best part!
sharei like the bit with heath, naomi and the horse, lol
I agree with dolphin... but I also thought the part where the monkey was shot at the Glenrowan Inn was absolutely hilarious. It was a bit of humor in a dark situation.
What's that?
This, my friend, is a pint.
It comes in pints? I'm getting one!
the part where the kelly gang get all those people on their side and they all add to the letter...."magpie legged"
shareI have no issues for or against Orlando Bloom but I thought the part in the middle of the gunfight he says something like 'i need a drink' gets up, pours a shot and gets shot was darkly funny.
sharei also think that the part were orlando got up and said "i think i need a drink" was so stupied, i was yelling at the tv for him to sit down. Then the cup gets shoot and he just looks at it with some dumb look, the pow he gets hit and dies. And i too don't have a problem with orlando i love him him and johhny r my favorite acters, i just got a signed picture of them in potc!
sharethere was one thing that bugged me about the orlando looked that beard he grew drove me nuts he needed to get rid of it he looked stuipd, i was once again yelling at the tv yelling shave the good damn thing off. now i know it was a cover up but it drove me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!
shareYes, that was my favourite part as well. The three men in armour in a gun fight with fifty police officers at night in the pouring rain.....had an eerie quality about it.
shareMy favorite part was Aaron Sheritt's death. I know that is a little morbid, but I was half-scared myself looking at that white sheet. It was quite creepy until you got a look at who was under it. It's all ironic that he only told to save Joe, and then Joe comes back and kills him.
My VERY VERY VERY favorite was then they came out in the armor and were being shot at. Then, they lift up their guns, one person at a time. It was a really good moment.
My favorite part was Ned's speech as he dictates the letter. I think Heath Ledger did an amazing job in this role, and this part proves that ten times over.
"Life is pain...Anyone telling you different is selling something."
"We dream on a budget here."