Is it worth it?

I would like anyone's opinion on this movie and if it would be worth it for me to buy this movie. I vaguely remember the original with Mick Jagger. I am interested to saee this for the storyline and as for the actors...duh...hehe. So please give me your views and if the movie is worth buying. I accept all POV.

Thank you in advance.

I'm the baby. What I want I get.


Personally, I thought this movie sucked. There were some good parts, but I thought it was an overall bad movie. It was slow and boring, and there was lots of unecessary stuff. But, it seems that a lot of people here liked it, so maybe you should check it out and see if you like it. I would definately rent it first, though.




I think it's absolutely worth a watch, if not a buy. The acting was good all around and even though there are some factual errors, it's well done. Orlando Bloom is wonderful in this, IMO.



I would say yes if you are in the mood to be inspired. I know that sounds ridiculously corny, but I think if in a different mood a person might be a little disappointed by the film. The acting was impeccable, led by a breathtaking performance by Heath Ledger.

"Life is pain...Anyone telling you different is selling something."
"We dream on a budget here."


so worth buyin, this film is really moving, it is definetly number 1 on my list i must have watched it about 11 times n ive only had it 3weeks.


I think it depends on what your movie interests are. I personally love this film even though I found it incredibly sad. My advice would be to rent it and then decide for yourself.


It's just your poetic outlaws-on-the-walk story. Rent it before buying! Or abstain and rent/buy something better.
