Actually I think if they made another Romeo & Juliet movie it could be perfect with anyone except Leonardo Di Caprio - or at least someone who can cry without everyone laughing...;)
Going back a bit, I do agree with Hakujin in the fact the accent shouldn't have been clean Irish - it required a mix of Australian and Irish, BUT saying that, keep in mind Australia had only been around for approximately 100 years, and there was still a lot of migration to the area - so unlike nowadays where we Australian's have a distinct accent, back then it wasn't quite so developed. I must say though Heath Ledger did the mix quite well - there was that touch of Australian which added to it's (the movie's) depth...
I must say though I have always wondered what it would've been like had the train been derailed, had Currnow never escaped, would we still be looking at an Australian Legend/Hero/Icon or a disillusioned young man who murdered masses of police in the derailment...