Emily Browning Fansite
Hi, everyone!
Just wanted to share my Emily fansite!
It's brazilian, but you can translate the page to many languages..or at least see the videos and pictures. xD
Everything about Emily, trivia, quotes, her movies and the latest news!
There are also transcriptions of the videos and translated articles and stuff.
Please, check out!
Emily Browning Source: http://emily-browning.com.br/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/browning_source
Tumblr: http://browningsource.tumblr.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Emily-Browning-Source/153073461445510
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/browningsource
Orkut: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community?cmm=118966906
Hope you like it and visit back again. =)