MovieChat Forums > Ned Kelly (2004) Discussion > What?!?! This movie is so underrrated! I...

What?!?! This movie is so underrrated! It deserves at least an 8!!!!!!

I saw it last night and was completely taken away. Beautiful movie. Very touching and I come here and I see...
You have to be joking....

The Queen has spoken.


~ Totally underrated indeed. It's a damn shame b/c this was a wonderful and beautiful movie. Also unforgettable. The performances was excellent too. I thought Heath Ledger deserved an oscar or atleast an nominations. He was a great Ned Kelly.


"Where I go, when I go there
No more weeping anymore
Only in and out your lips
The broken wishes,
washing with them, to shore

Georg from Spring Awakening


I completely agree. I gave it an 8, but I wanted to go even higher because of the emotional response I had to the final scenes. I even found myself enjoying Orlando Bloom's performance as Joe, which is unusual since I typically find his acting to hinder my enjoyment.

I am not fit to judge the historical accuracy of the film, but I do think that a director who is depicting something that has become "legend" has the right to take some artistic liberties. That being said, I agree with the argument that it could've been a broader, more epic film than it was.

Still...far underrated.


totally agree with you..


I gave it a 9. It's a great movie. I remember watching it years ago and being blown away by the story and the performance of everyone involved, especially the armor part. Can't believe the real Ned Kelly was so creative....


I just watched it on DVD and I give 7.5. For a "western" type movie it was pretty good and I didn't notice a lot of the things others did. It had the feel of a good lower-budget old fashion cowboy movie as far as I'm concerned. Unlike other films I stayed glued to the tube (well, the flat screen) for the whole thing which is unusual for me. I don't understand the people who were bad-mouthing or didn't like it...What were they expecting? I never heard of the guy Ned until the movie so maybe there was too much historical nonsense for some people.

My favorite: "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"



This was a beautiful movie! I wish more people would realize it's genius.


Aside from a bunch of fine performances the cinematography alone should push the rating much higher. Overall artistic impression is outstanding also. I give this movie a very high 8 --oh well, make it a 9!


It's a great movie. Heath is fantastic. 8/10 is my rating for it

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


Glad I ignored the IMDB rating and watched it anyway. It was a fine movie.

I'm not Australian and I wasn't familiar with the story, so I did look some things up as I watched the movie. It is not completely historically accurate, but the main points seem to be correct.
