MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto III (2001) Discussion > Can anyone here explain this?

Can anyone here explain this?

Here recently while playing this game, something weird happened to me twice. What happened was, just for the heck of it, I drove up beside a car (not a gang members car) and shot at it until it blew up. The thing is, right after it blew up, these two ordinary trucks in the game that were around at the time came after me like a gang car would if you killed one of their gang members, and they were much harder to out run than gang cars. It was just weird and I was just wondering if anyone could explain why that is, or if it ever happened to any of you before while playing.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


That's happened to me a couple of times and I think it's just a variation of what happens when you throw a grenade and you're around pedestrians. Someone, usually more than one will come up and start attacking you as good Samaritans. I noticed that if I shoot at and blow up an ambulance I usually get tailed by two or more cars. Those people don't like you screwing up things in their town!

"They have a grill, it's this grill. Now you have's called America."


Thanks for the help.

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


lol I get that all the time when I blow up random cars in a drive by sometimes 4 cars at once just from one blown up car!!!!!

Yeah, but if I don't kill you, what is there to talk about?


xD lol I find it funny when 2 or 3 random cars try to run me over when I blow up a car, I just blow them up too. lmao

how do you know my language?!


The general public in the game panic when you shoot or blow something up so it was probably just panic driving

