Darkel and the final ORIGINAL GAME 9/11 like plane mission
Know for those who know about "Darkel", I remember reading a couple years ago on GAMEFAQS and such that the final mission of the game involved a "terrorist like 9/11 plane mission where you fly it into a building"?? I remember the Oct 01 issue of Offical Playstation Mag had a whole list of games changed "bnecuase of 9/11" and this game was one of them. Where apprently they changed some of the skyscrapers on Staunton becuase they looked too much like New Yorks along with the police cars.
BUT I remember reading on GameFAQS guide one time about "Darkel" THE REAL REASON he was taking out is cause his final mission was really gonna be like 9/11. Where instead of "The Exchange" you would fly into a skyscraper with a plane to destroy it??? Any "Darkel Experts" know ANYTHING abpout this at all??
I don't know if the GameFAQS topic is still there... and I doubt it is anymore.
Yeah, but if I don't kill you, what is there to talk about?