games with useless unlockables
Can anyone name any other games that give you UNLOCKABLEs that really do you no good once you get them, here's some I can think of.
GTA3 - Borgnine Taxi: you get it by doing 100 fares in a taxi, its a better faster car but you dont really need it anymore unless you just wanna earn extra cash.
GHOSTBUSTERS(ps2) - Gozer Suit / Health / Equipment: you get these by getting 100% in things, by the time you unlock everything the game is over an completed so there is no real need to go back in the game an use any of it.
SCARFACE - 5 Femme Fatale followers: you unlock them by getting 100% game completion, kind of pointless since there is nothing left to do in the game anymore when you get them.
Mentok The MILF Spunker