Big plot holes.

Yes I know this'll probably seem irrelevant after all these years and new GTA games, but I still want to point it out :P

First is the Kingdom Come mission in which King Courtney sends you to the car in order to be killed by the drugged up suicide bombers. This trap was set by Catalina in order to kill Claude, yet in the cutscene where Claude confronts Catalina and Miguel in the construction site, Catalina is astonished to see that Claude isn't dead. Why would she've set a trap to kill Claude if she had no idea he was still alive?

Second is the mission where you have to lure three death squads organised by Catalina to kill Claude into a trap where they'll be killed by the Yakuza. Miguel reveals this to Asuka while she tortures him, but this occurs after Catalina escapes from the construction site and disappears. So this leads to the question of how did Miguel know about the trap in the first place.

Oh yeah, and I wanted to add that GTA 3 really sucks on an Xbox 360. The amount of lag is ridiculous. PC version all the way.

What did you expect to be under here?


The first time I did Kingdom Come it was much after I came across Miguel and Catalina, so it didn't ruin the experience for me. Phone missions were fun, but I thought they were more like side quests at first.

As for the second part you are spot on. How on Earth did Miguel know that there would be traps set up for GTA III Guy? (I call him that because I refuse to acknowledge that they ruined his character by telling us his name in SA).

I just still want to know WHAT HAPPENED TO DONALD LOVE?!


I always assumed he just got up and left quietly after receiving his package.

What did you expect to be under here?




People who are interested in the plot. Quite a lot of people, in other words :P

What did you expect to be under here?



Really? Well I think someone taking issue with someone who supposedly has issues with the plot of a computer game is nitpicking. You're getting your undies in a twist over nothing :P
I did not say I had issues with the plot, I was simply pointing out some plot holes which to many people are an interesting and fun subject to discuss. I like the plot, and I love GTA 3. Get it?

What did you expect to be under here?
