MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto III (2001) Discussion > Thing We Learned From Playing GTA 3

Thing We Learned From Playing GTA 3

1. Nothing drives down real estate prices like a good old-fashioned gang war, apart from an outbreak of plague, but that might be going too far in this case.

"What's the name of the farm next to the Hill house?"


2. Speak up or you'll be nicknamed "Fido".

[$]Y SO SRS??[$]


3. construction workers with short shorts and say anyline from the village people's music are offically gay



4. hobos should never say "i'm hot youre not"



5. People can't swim in water. They just flail their arms.

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"


6. Going back into Mafia territory is pretty much a death trap.


When anyone with a gun shoots your car, your first reaction is to expose yourself to the shooter by stepping out of your vehicle.

871 "aww look now stupids up"
"hey hey there he is"


"6. Going back into Mafia territory is pretty much a death trap." hahahahaha so true.

"My mothers my sister." :|

When your car is on fire, run like hell.

We learn two ways to pronounce Tony Cipriani's name.

Trying to do the vigilante and firefighter missions on the shoreside vale island are pretty much impossible, if not, an endurance of turning on and off the mission and getting lucky.


8. Pigeons. Pigeons are good too. Sometimes they come with notes attached. It's like a fortune cookie with wings.

I came. I saw, and I came again.


9. Just based on experience, a man like "Fido" can be very loyal for the right price.


10. Real men play men sports like football...or hopscotch.

My God, he was innocent!
He went to the chair two years ago, Frank.


11. Got a cop after you or an angry gang member? No Problem! In Liberty City there is a law that they can't get to you if you are behind a wall. They certainly can't go around it and usually can't shoot you, so their only option is to just repeat their limited vocabularies over and over until you kill them.

"Welcome to prime time, bitch!" Freddy


11. If there's a cop car or EMS truck on the bridge with the siren on, you should move out of the way even if you have to drive off of the bridge into the water.

12. Cars explode once they hit the water.


13. While cops are seen chasing others sometimes, they usually pick on you, even for the most minor offenses and don't even offer to help when someone attacks you, yet the kick your ass when you attack someone.

14. Whether you've been shot in the head, shot repeatedly, beaten up, squished by a car,or incinerated, a few chest compressions from the paramedics will get you back on your feet.

15. Old ladies are surprisingly good fighters and use shopping bags as lethal weapons.

16. Old ladies love going to Aruba
