Don't do the Kenji missions!
Seriously, you don't have to. Just do everything else and work your way to Donald Love and there is a mission there where you kill Kenji.
"I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!"
Seriously, you don't have to. Just do everything else and work your way to Donald Love and there is a mission there where you kill Kenji.
"I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!"
You don't need to do a lot of things to finish the main storyline. This includes telephone missions (Marty Chonks, El Burro, King Courtney, and D-Ice), taxi and emergency vehicle missions, exporting vehicles (both garages and the crane), rampages, unique jumps, RC and offroad missions, and collecting hidden packages.
But avoiding any of them would make 100% game completion unreachable without using a trainer modification to falsely indicate that they'd been done. Given that these side tasks make up nearly half of the game's percentage (and are generally more challenging than required missions themselves), skipping Marty Chonks and Kenji yields nothing but a messed-up save file.
100% completion is possible to aquire after you've played through the main storyline...provided that neither one of the skipped tasks involved Marty Chonks or Kenji...and provided that you didn't use the "new game" option on a PS2's memory card that already has had a beaten "RUMBLE" mission saved at any time in that entire memory card file.
Spoonfeeder Glitch avoidance list:
Marty Chonk's last mission "HER LOVER" must be completed before you finish "LAST REQUESTS" for Salvatore.
Kenji's last mission "SMACK DOWN" must be completed before you finish "WAKA-GASHIRA WIPEOUT" for Donald Love.
The "New Game" option must never be used on a PS2 memory card file on which D-Ice's last mission "RUMBLE" has ever been completed on any of it's save slots (that's right, the entire memory card file is affected). To avoid getting this glitch at all: erase the whole memory card file from the PS2 browser menu (if a save slot has ever had D-Ice's missions completed), begin a new game, complete the intro mission, save it to a slot, and never overwrite it. Use that slot whenever you want to start a "new" game.
Thats true, but if you want to complete the game 100% you have to do the Kenji missions. Just make sure you do all of them before you start doing the Donald Love missions. This is because in one of the few Donald Love missions, you have to kill kenji, and if you already haven't completed all of Kenji's missions, then you obviously can't go back and do them.
sharelol I HAVE ALLWAYS done all the missions EVEN in my non - 100% files.
Yeah, but if I don't kill you, what is there to talk about?
Yea, you dont have too but what is the fun in that? Skipping that will basically waste your save file. I have to admit, Im so glad I learned the purple nines glitch, because before I started missions, Id always do the extra stuff. The hidden packages, RC-off road missions, fireman, vigilante, (Ambulance-taxi missions I had done after map one). Then id save. So first island, got all I could save, 2nd island same, 3rd island same, then (I own like 25 ps2 memory cards, tbh you only need 3-4...4 to be extra cautious) so if I wanna reply just the missions (Which is def the meat of the game....) you can load those files and have fun with the missions!
But, I figured the Donald love if I kill Kenji now how will I finish his missions? Now the Marty Chonk thing, I had no idea! I mean I did his missions early thank god, but I can see someone accidentally skipping it because they didnt hear the phone (It's near that square area btw, I wish I remembered characters names, but the guy when you drop Maria off...the phone is around there). Just cause it doesnt glow on your map, Chonks missions.
I skipped the phone missions because they were frustrating and they sucked lol