Um.... SO WHAT
So what if he was talking to a prostitute. SOLICITING a prostitute is illegal ALL he was doing was TALKING to her, she was helping him solve a crossword puzzle, in a crowded well lit PUBLIC place.
And SO WHAT whether or not he knew she was a hooker. That lady in the police station said the guy claimed to not know she was a hooker. So now its illegal just to TALK to a hooker? Did the writers of this movie even study some basic law? He got arrested just for having a CONVERSATION in a public place, by all rights he should have sued the police department.
Oh did his "body language" make him appear "turned on" by her? so now what is going on in his head is why he is arrested? So now we are a fascist state that enforces thought crimes? Think pure thoughts or you go to prison?? The cop who arrested him should be FIRED.