MovieChat Forums > Dogville (2004) Discussion > Kidman vows not to work with director ag...

Kidman vows not to work with director again

Why did Nicole Kidman vow not to work with Lars von Trier?


Maybe because he can be a first-class oppressive asseloh at times, but hey, Kubrick was one too.

I Sympathise with Lars Von Trier.



What I said was only based on those rumors, so I'm glad to hear that.:)

I Sympathize with Lars Von Trier.


Ive not read anything about Trier's personality either but I have heard that Kubrick was a very hard man to work with and terrorized certain cast and crew members on most of his films (If I remember correctly Shelly Duvall was so traumatized during the filming of the Shining that her hair began to fall out and she had to be hospitalized due to stress/exhaustion) Im not saying he wasn't a great guy to work with or that he couldn't be fun to be around, Im sure he was both of those things, but Im also sure some of the actors that have worked with him could tell you it probably wasn't all fun.


So far as I know, she didn't.

The bitter thinkers buy their tickets to go find God like a piggy in a fair


Gossip is just gossip... but those bruises on her neck all real.


We just watched this in my film class and my professor said that one reason she was upset is that during the rape scene he was making sex jokes with the camera man. Often during dramatic scenes such as that one, an actor or actress puts a lot of themselves into the scene. I can understand why she'd get angry at that.


I love him (honestly) and I haven't even met him in person!

I Sympathize with Lars Von Trier.


Simple answer: She didn't.

The only one who has said something like that was Bjork, who lost her mind on set.

As an actor the idea of working with Lars would be ideal. He gets great performances out of his cast members. I'd love to be in his movies, and have him put me through hell.

He could probably get Britney Spears to deliver an Oscar worthy performance.


Actually, I spoke to Patricia Clarkson once and she said she could never work with him again because of how emotionally gruelling the shoot was to her.


This is one of my favourite movies, but the guy's an ass*hole to say the least. He actually had an animal killed for the second part of this movie. I'm glad Kidman wasn't on it.


I had an animal killed for supper.



Nonsense, In an interview she said Lars was incredibly talented and obsessed with his work. She cried during the rape scene because she had to do it a few times over and it felt so confronting. Doesn't that makes sense? Nicole was so in character that it probably almost felt like rape. Incredible performance be her.
