MovieChat Forums > Cribs (2000) Discussion > What's up with Scarface...

What's up with Scarface...

... in everyone's home? It was a great movie but I don't why every rapper and athlete show cases something from the movie. Is it something about being a gangster? If so, why not Godfather or the many other films with gangsters? Sincerely asking.

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I think you are right about the gangster thing. They relate to Tony Montana b/c they were once poor minorities and nobody expected them to make much of themselves but they triumph over adversity, at least when it comes to making money. Just my guess.


Its become a real cliche. Its always scarface poster and a Muhammad ali poster somewhere.



It makes perfect sense that the rappers and athletes all enjoy Scarface and consider the character somewhat of an inspiration since he was a minority who made it big, but it's getting old fast. I mean I'm also a diehard fan of the moive, but something is wrong when all three segments of one episode have someone showcasing something to do with Scarface (Which has happened before). If I was one of these celebs, I would have the back wall of my office behind my desk painted with the tropical theme like in the conference room of the movie.

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"I would have the back wall of my office behind my desk painted with the tropical theme like in the conference room of the movie"

That would be awesome!


Black crack dealing “gangsters” believe that they’re up to par with a drug kingpin. Monkey see, monkey do.


Oh boy...
