Cribs 9/11?

Not sure but, I was watching cribs on mtv with mobys place in new york.
I noticed while on the roof the twin as moby is speaking about his friends you hear a jet coming in then the the scene is cut several times then you hear a boom or what could be someone breathing into a mic. Afterwards the scene cuts again and you hear sirens??? now I think they would have stopped taping but, maybe not did anyone notice this??


I havent seen this but you cant be serious?


im not saying that it was during 9/11 but, if you watch the episode it is pretty strange given seeing the twin towers then hearing a plane then sirens...


i dont remember this, but i do remember an episode when i think it was Russel (sp*?) Simmons showing his penthouse apartment. the episode ended and then the screen went black and said that his apartment was ruined on 9/11 or something....does anyone else recall this?


Yeah I remeber the one with Russel. The black screen said that their house was ruined but they got out safely and everyone was ok.

~Mrs. Wentzalecki~
"My daddy shot your daddy in the head."-Sam Winchester
