MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2001) Discussion > Just noticed this..... Coincidence or Re...

Just noticed this..... Coincidence or Retcon?

Okay, Ace (The girl with the psy powers who dies holding hands with Batman on the swings) dies in this episode, and clearly this bothers Bruce. Snap to Old Bruce, and his dog Ace.

Was this a last episode retcon of sorts implying Bruce named his dog after her?

Or is this just a coincidence and Ace is just named after Ace the Bat-hound?

Either way, this is something nobody seems to have noticed, and nobody talked about from the production end of this show, and that's what I love about great work like this. True meaningful little Easter Eggs.


My guess would be Ace the Bat-Hound:


Coincidence, but it's never been confirmed either way.

Can't stop the signal.


Complete coincidence. Ace the Bat-hound dates from around the 50s. Ace is a member of the Royal Flush Gang, which first appeared in Justice League of America #43, in 1966. There have been a few different Royal Flush Gangs and this was another one, with a psychic young girl as Ace. In other versions, Ace has been a robot, a human, Amos Fortune, and others. The RFG appeared in an episode of The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, where Ace is actually Joker in disguise, acting for Darkseid.

Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!
