Was anyone else annoyed by the Cadmus story conclusion? (spoilers)
I didn't get a chance to see this series when it originally aired. I was always a bit skeptical that it could juggle all the characters decently. I finally got around to watching it, and it far exceeded my expectations.
I really loved the build up in the first season of "Justice League Unlimited." It was great storytelling. I think the thing I really liked is that it was actually grounded in a semi-realistic tone/situation. Of course, for a show like this, you have to suspend general disbelief in every episdoe. We obviously don't really live in a world with super-powered humans and aliens sitting in a watchtower up in space. However, if you grant that general premise, then the storyline is very believable. I could honestly imagine a secret government agency creating a plan to take down the superheroes should the need arise. I could imagine the United States (or any country's) government wanting to take out a space station with a powerful laser beam. I could even imagine the government making secret deals with ruthless people like Lex Luthor. (In fact, I would say this was one of the most realistic aspects of the whole story.)
But when it turns out that Luthor had been merged with Brainiac, I felt like any slight level of believability just went out the window. It seemed like an easy way out, and it diminished Luthor's threat as a bad guy, essentially reducing him to a pawn of Brainiac.
They sort of redeemed it in the final season, but I guess I was hoping for something less out of comic book land and more along the serious tone they had established. (Yes, I know the series is based on comic books, but you know what I mean.)
Overall, it wasn't a bad story. The writers had just set the bar so high, it felt out of place in that particular story arc.
Just my thoughts. I haven't seen anyone else comment on it, so I was curious if anyone else felt the same way.