Favourite Villain?

So which was your favourite villain throughout the show?

What I loved was that the show mostly had 2 part stories that allowed the villains to shine a little more.

My favourite had to be Morgan Le Fey. She was so seductive, extremely powerful and I just really enjoyed her story arcs.


She was pretty scary with that mask.


Darkseid, Luthor, or Vandal Savage. Joker was always good as well but had limited episodes


"unofficial villain": By this, I mean not outright evil, but anti-Justice League. This would be Amanda Waller. Tough as nails, clever, can even push Batman's buttons.

"Officia l villain": Killer Frost. I think I choose her just because of the voice and characterizations more than anything she does. She mostly comes across as casual or having a "whatever" attitude most of the time.


Luthor or Ares.

Lex got way more exposure but he only shone brighter because of it, especially in the final season of JLU. Loved Ares' voice and appearance, but I doubt he'd come off as complex or manipulative as Lex if he were given more episodes, since his goals are always just starting a war somewhere without any consideration beyond that.

Still hoping the main baddie in the Wonder Woman film will be a bloodthirsty Ares close to that version.


Season 4 Luthor


Luthor....who else.....especially in the last few eps....he is brilliant, and the whole legend of doom was a throwback to the Luthor in Challenge of the Superfriends.


Joker. Just wish we could have seen more of him. After him, Darkseid.




Of the ones we never saw pre-JL, I'd probably have to go with either Solomon Grundy or Ultra-Humanite. They were both great, and I loved their tussle in "Injustice for All" courtesy of the ultimate pot-stirrer himself, Batman. Humanite wound up working with the League (or at least Batman and Flash) more than he did against them, so I dunno if that counts, but he was such a great character. This charming lover of the fine arts in a gorilla's body who's also a supervillain. What's not to love?
