Deep Space Nine Similarities?
I've only been watching a short time but it seems the show has numerous nods to ST:DS9. For instance "In Blackest Night" is about the Manhunters trying to discredit the GL Corps by making it appear that John Stewart destroyed an entire planet. In the DS9 episode Rules of Engagement, Klingons try to discredit the Federation by making it look like Worf in command of the Defiant fired on an unarmed passenger ship while in the heat of battle. This episode has the added bonus of having Renee Auberjonois (Odo) voicing the role of a Quark-like character. Then the next arc The Enemy Below begins with a US nuclear sub - The Defiant, which happens to be captained by a black man and a female first mate - attacked by Atlantean forces. Are there any other instances of these similarities?
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.