MovieChat Forums > The Hours (2003) Discussion > Parts that you cried in?

Parts that you cried in?

curious to know lol.
i cried when richard jumps out the window, even though i knew it was going to happen (i was told suicide was the main theme in this movie)
and also when julianne moores character kissed toni collete and shes just cold to her like, rejection or something.
And the train station scene too.

Combinations all around us fill our heads with the love we've been feeling.


What really moves me the most is the Nicole Kidman voice over at the end as she's walking into the water..."Leonard, always the love, always the hours" over Philip Glass's magnificent music. I cry to the point of feeling sick.



I agree that the last minute of the film is the saddest and the best. Nicole Kidman's voiceover is so dynamic and so brilliant. And the image of her character walking into the water at that same moment is incredibly effective. It's also what she says combined with how she delivers the line. She really nailed it.


1. Richard committing suicide
2. Meryl weeping when Louis visits her.
3. Train station scene...who wouldnt want a husband like him????
4. Julianne's suicide attempt in the hotel
5. Richard staring at his mother's picture in the wedding gown
6. Julianne sitting in the bathroom and crying...

These affected me the most...but I was depressed throughout the film...brilliant film...


This was my second time to see it, and I had read the book before the first time, but I think I was a bit confused about everything. But I think this was the only time I cried, and it was mainly the scene where Richard jumps out the window. And then near the end, when his mother is talking.

Another movie that both Meryl Streep and Claire Danes were in, though, that REALLY made me cry, is "Evening". If you haven't seen it, you should. It's kind of confusing a bit, too, but it's REALLY good. I don't know. I just liked the feeling I got from it. And it's really different from the book (which I'm reading right now) in some aspects, but I like one of the things they do in the movie and not the book, and that's giving the character of Buddy more importance (played by Hugh Dancy, who is SO freakin' adorable). Anyway, good movie.

"The Hours" is good, but it's still a bit confusing for me. And btw, I've read "Mrs. Dalloway", too.


Holly-hibbs...which part is confusing?Id really like to know,so that I could probably give you a few inputs...In a civil way.


I cry when Laura Brown and her son (Richie?) are in the car and he says, "Mommy, I love you". It's as if he can sense what she is going through and knows that something isn't right.
I well up when Virginia is saying goodbye to her sister Nessa. Also at the end, of course..


When Julianne tells Meryl towards the end, "It's what you can bear." I always feel that way too.


*Richard's death
*Kitty "rejects" Laura after the kiss
*little Richard screaming when he realizes her mother's leaving
*Virgina's train station scene
*old Laura's monologue in the end



I cry during the train station argument- He loves her so dearly, and when he says " I live with the thought of your extinction everyday, (or something to that fact),I simply well up into a heaping,weeping mess. You can witness how intensely he loves her, and wants only for her to be happy. When Richard's mother explains her reason for abandoning her loving family, I can see the pain,but acceptance that NOONE will ever forgive her,.....Weeping,heaped mess once again.
My eyes also get misty at the beginning of the movie, as Virginia's husband urges her to eat. The camera closes in on his face, and his tender beautiful brown eyes show his vulnerablity , and his subtle need to make her happy, and when he means to utter another remark, but it gets lost in his throat, I since his assurance. The scene were little richie can sense that something is wrong with mommy, and says I love you,...Weeping,heaped mess all over again. And ofcourse, the end scene when victoria is in the river, the voice over is so haunting, and you realize that this character is about to make a mistake that can NOT be undone,..i think I cried for three days , when ever I thought of the scene ( im misting right as I write these comments). Also I get emotional when Meryl Streep's character kisses the AIDS ridden adult richard on the mouth to assure him of her undying love and dedication. This small scene REALLY hit home for me, as during that time many people were not sure how AIDS was passed on to different people, and I know families that refuse to be in the same room with there love-ones that were suffering from this illness, and she kissed him,...........a symbolic scene of her tremendous love. ( im crying now, as some of you have suspected, All and all a beautiful haunting movie that has had me to appreciate each and every minute in MY BEAUTIFUL LIFE.

omg, such a crybaby,

Thank you for this post


The way little Ritchie looks, how he just wants to be near Mommy and have her love him and she's awful to him!!!!


I'd say Julianne Moore sat on the lav breakin' her heart whilst trying to sound jolly and composed to her clueless husband.

I'm ****ing Irish. I'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life.



When Laura says goodbye to her son (before she goes to the hotel)


When a picture of Julianne Moore's Laura Brown's wedding photo is on a table with blue pills, and it is Richard's hands and crying face come up and the realization that he is Laura Brown's son, gets me every time.

Meryl Streep's Clarissa Vaughn's "unraveling" scene.

The opening scene of the movie gives me a tear in the eye.


I felt like I was going to cry when Julianne Moore's character realizes that she doesn't want to kill herself. I also felt like I was going to burst into tears at Richard's suicide. I also knew it was going to happen but it still made me want to cry nevertheless.

