Toni Collette

Although she has quite a distinctive face, I am always impressed by the chameleon qualities of Toni Collette. Quite often, she's been in a movie and I didn't realise it was her until I actually read the credits (About a Boy, for example). This film is another example: she morphs into the persona of a 50s housewife with ease, as she did as Austen's Miss Smith in Emma. I know her part was quite small in this but, bearing in mind she was up against some of the female powerhouses of modern cinema, I thought her performance in this was excellent. I reckon she's up there with Blanchett and Kidman as one of Australia's leading actresses, so why doesn't she get more leading roles?


One of the reasons I watched this film is because I knew she was in it, and I completely didn't clock that she was the neighbour until the credits.

She is a fantastic actress. (Not because I didn't recognise her, she is just fantastic.)


I love Toni Collette. She's one of the actresses I'm always watching. I wonder the same thing as you about why she's not in more leading roles.

That was all rather thrilling. Anything more cinematographic could scarcely be imagined.


Judging by your picture & Toni apreciation I assume you've seen Mary and Max.
If not, DO!


Yes I have! I thought it was wonderful!

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


I'm not trying to glorify PSH after his death, but he ridiculously smashed it with Max.



He was a great actor. It is just a shame he couldn't conquer his drug abuse issues or he'd still be around today. Very sad.

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.


She is great as usual in The Hours, though I'm left wondering what happens with her character. Maybe it's explored more in the book.

Also, I wonder if she used this character as inspiration for her Alice personality in United States of Tara. I find them to be rather similar.


It's just the same in the book as it is in the film: her character is there and gone, not to be seen again. Her scenes exist (in both) to extend the exploration of Laura's character and issues, rather than to establish a subplot. So she's only there long enough to accomplish that.

It's really cool actually to see how different it is, to have a flesh and blood actress of Collette's ability fill out the role that's less layered in the book. Reading, I never wondered again what happened to Kitty; I only saw her thru Laura's eyes, and with Laura I moved onto other things. You just can't blithely move on from Collette's Kitty that way.


I also did not realise the role she played until the end credits.

Its that man again!!

