MovieChat Forums > The Hours (2003) Discussion > was Nicole Kidman kissing her sister?

was Nicole Kidman kissing her sister?

I'm a bit confused...

I thought Nicole Kidman's character said she was inviting over her sister, was I mistaking that?
Because she later was making out with her?....

Brown Mamba


Yes. She was kissing her sister played by Miranda Ritchardson. Kinda weird, and not too sure why it was nesicary....



that was what happened really
Also, it showed Virginia's desperation for help.


Yes, Virginia (Kidman) kissed Vanessa (Richardson) in The Hours. This is not a true event, though. The kiss was only a device meant to show different sides to Virginia and her relationship with her sister and the other two women (Moore and Streep). In conclusion, Virginia was bisexual, but she did not have any kind of love affair with Vanessa.


It was her sister, but there wasnt any sexual desire, it was just a cry for help

Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. It's contrast. The Hours


yup, i saw it as a cry for help. After the kiss she holds her face tight and says "tell me sister that you've think ive gotten better!"

sorta like lie to me or tell me what i want to hear. Her sister knew she wasn't well tho.

i also got it as her sister was leaving all quickly cuz she saw how out of it Virginia was so Virginia kissed her like that out of spite, like "i know why your leaving, you think i'm crazy (kiss).." that was also my interpretation of the kiss.


They weren't 'making out', it was a kiss on the lips and I couldn't see anything sexual about it, it was just a desperate cry for help, like others in this thread have said.
I agree that it was strange, but I don't think there was anything incestuous about that particular kiss.


I agree with everyone else. There's nothing sexual about that kiss. Also, she said "Nessa" not sister.

Virginia and Vanessa had an interesting relationship. They wrote each other a lot but in person, they didn't relate as well. I think that kiss was both a cry for help but also Virginia wasn't adept at the social BS so that kiss was also her way of breaking that tension and getting some kind of a real emotion out of Vanessa.


It ties into the kiss Julianne Moore's character gave her neighbor.

Everything Virginia Woolf ever wrote had layers upon layers upon layers to it.


that's a good question, becz I wondered the same thing. Do we have to read a bio or something about Virginia Woolf to find out? (ugh)


There was actually speculation of an incestrous between Virginia and her sister, which probably originated form both of them being molested by their older brothers in childhood. That scene may have been hinting at that.
