"Barker wasn't involved, but he did like Hellseeker."
Thats why I came here to post. Barker basically hated every Hellraiser AFTER part 2 except for Hellseeker. In my opinion, I think Hellseeker was the best sequel since part 2. Everyone today is looking for slasher films with a good plot, and story. Sure, Pinhead has gone direct to video for awhile now, but hes still the best horror villian out there. He doesnt need to beat you by killing you to have you psyched out like other villians, he could just beat you with his mind. Hes probably the most innovative villian out there in history. Now what the directors have done to him is a pure shame. He went from the slasher route after part 2 to the psychological *beep* route. Personally, hes much better with the mind games. Why have a Hellraiser movie with Pinhead just killing everyone with a big plot inside of 2 hours? Its pointless, because Pinhead cant die like the other villians could. I dont think the first two Hellraisers were all the popular to everyone, so I suppose the direct to video releases, nobody would even bother to touch. Just look at the votes for these movies on the IMDB page. The people who voted this film a straight 10 and a straight 1 are idiots. In my book, no movie deserves a 10 because no movie is perfect. What I do know is that this movie doesnt suck. It doesnt deserve a 1. I give it about a 6 even. It had a good storyline with 3 good actors. Most people end up judging sequels on rating systems if their better than the last film, or films before it. Cant be done. A film should be judged on its own. The direction... the acting... the plot... etc. And for a Hellraiser film, it can only go two ways. Psychological horror or slasher. Face it... the meaning of these films you can find by watching the first two. If you ask me... the meaning of Hellraiser is about how evil humans can be. Its not about Pinhead and the cenobites per say. Who else opens the box anyways? Garbadge mainly who is looking for a way out, pleasure, and a escape into something more than their life has. Hellraiser was never really about Pinhead as a slasher, or a demon that just comes to kill people. Hellraisers about evil people, doing bad *beep* than looking for something more to live for. I'm really tired of morons coming onto these pages just trolling to hate the films. They dont even give a specific reason as to why they hate it, or are willing to debate it.